Chapter 68

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Reaper P.O.V

I was so happy and excited I was trembling.

I was going to marry him- Holy shit I'm about to marry him.

I'm about to marry the man I love.

The wedding wasn't going to be fancy - neither he nor I wanted it to be - and we hadn't invited anyone.

It was just going to be the two of us beneath the light of the moon, promising ourselves to each other.

And holy fuck did I want that.


Geno took my hand gently, tracing his thumb over my knuckles carefully as he led me up to a tree in a small clearing.  Thick shafts of faded moonlight divided the darkness, and everything was in a soft blue haze. What was visible of the sky was shrouded in thin clouds, and the moon was a sliver of a crescent.

Geno, no matter how pretty the scenery looked, was the only person on my mind, and he was so fucking cute.  He'd donned a suit and tie, but his hair was just as messy as always, hanging over his face adorably, getting in his eyes, but he didn't seem to care, too focused on me.  His scarf was wound around his wrist, tied in a small knot with the rest of its length twirling around freely in the mild breeze, his lips twitching upwards in a small, slowly growing smile.

"Hmm...  So, we're here, huh..?  Whaddya say we just skip straight to the vows?~" he said sweetly, his eyes flicking towards my lips constantly, as if all he wanted to do was kiss me.  I smiled wryly, leaning closer to him teasingly, nearly letting our lips touch, but not quite. He flushed softly, gazing up into my eyes, and despite the fact that I was the one who was teasing him, I could barely keep myself from kissing his soft, perfect lips...

"Impatient, are we?~" I muttered, gazing down at him, a small smile playing my lips.

"Very impatient~" he murmured lowly, pressing up against me slightly, making my breath hitch as he gazed up at me seductively.  I blushed lightly, glancing away shyly.

"Mmm you're too hot for your own good, my angel~" I mumbled, puffing my cheeks out, tempted to just pin his hot ass somewhere and just kiss him until we could no longer breathe.

But this was, in fact, a wedding, and I would probably have to wait until the vows had been said.

"Hmmmm... So do you want to declare your undying love to me first, or should I start?~" Geno asked softly, his eyes full of this gentle love that I never could get enough of.

"...You first, sweetheart~" I murmured, nervousness twisting my stomach.

Fuck I'm going to fuck up the vows, Geno's going to hate me, he's going to hate me.  What do I say?  I need something to say, heck, fuck.

I sucked air through my teeth anxiously, trying to calm myself down

He would never hate you.  Don't be stupid.

I relaxed slightly at the thought, knowing that it was true, coming back to reality to see Geno's hesitant, worried face in front of mine.

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