Chapter 41

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Geno P.O.V

Reaper and I had returned home - Home. The word made me feel so warm, especially now that 'home' was something that I shared with Reaper - a few minutes after we watched the sun rise.

Neither of us were tired, despite not sleeping the previous night - it seemed that Reaper's sleep habits were just as bad as mine - but we still decided to just lay on the four poster queen sized bed in a red themed bedroom.

The bed was ridiculously fluffy and soft, as if you could lose yourself in the fluffy crimson and black blankets that were piled onto the thick, soft mattress - and I swear that the sheets were at least thread count 2000 or some shit.

Whoever built this place had a shit ton of money, and a very expensive fucking taste.

I sighed contentedly as Reaper pulled me closer gently, his face buried in my hair, my face buried in his chest, our legs tangled together, the soft weight of the blankets wrapping us in a safe cocoon.

His hands barely lost contact with me as he traced every inch of my body, mapping out each and every curve. I was completely lost in him, in his touches, never wanting to leave him, never wanting to leave his side.

I wanted to stay with him, like this, in our own little world, beneath the covers, forever.

And that was when a phone rung, making both of us jolt at the sudden noise




Slowly, Reaper reached out to grab the phone - which had been lying on a bedside table beside the bed - bringing it to his ear hesitantly.

"...hi..?" He greeted, wincing slightly as he made eye contact with me. I cocked my head to the side when he gave a small nod and a 'uh-huh' in response to the speaker on the other side of the phone.

I pouted playfully when Reaper looked away from me, giving another 'uh-huh' into the phone.


"Yep, that's right," Reaper spoke, ignoring me completely as I tugged at his sleeve.

"No, no I don't," he said after a long pause, not even looking at me as I curled around him, shifting so that he was lying on top of me, my arms wrapped around his waist securely.

I don't think he even noticed the change of position

Much sad, Reaps.

There was another 'uh-huh' into the phone, and I exhaled silently, giving up.

Then, suddenly, I was struck with an idea.

I paused, a sly smile slipping onto my face as I let my hands trail down Reaper's spine, massaging him gently and slowly, smirking evilly up at him, making him flush instantly, biting his lip to keep from making any noises, squirming slightly.

"...Y-yes, I-I'm still here, c-continue," he said into the phone, his voice unsteady as my fingertips grazed over the soft spot on his spine, his face turning a shade darker.

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