Chapter 10

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Geno P.O.V

"Heya babe~"

The old pet name was like venom on his tongue, despite his artificially honey sweet tone. My chest went tight;  I couldn't breathe, could hardly see. I was trembling, barely able to stay standing on my dysfunctional legs.

"Aw~ Lost for words, are we?~"

My mouth went dry, and my breathing quickened, my words sticking to my throat. His leer only grew, sadistic pleasure glinting in his blue eyes; the eyes that used to be so soft, so kind, so inviting, the eyes that were now only hard pebbles, devoid of any positive emotion.

"Still nothing to say, huh?~"

My blood chilled, and I froze when he stood, and started in my direction.  His eyes were trained on me as he stalked towards me.  The eyes of a hungry predator.  The eyes of a wolf.

"Don't worry, babe~ No talking necessary~"

Lust was clouding his eyes as he pressed his body against mine, pinning me to the wall behind me.  He traced the inside of my arm with a long, slender, pale finger.  My breath hitched when he reached my underarm, and he smiled wider, more sadistically.

"Oh, and don't worry about someone coming, I've already disabled the video and security cameras, we're all alone~"

I whimpered softly as he took my chin in his hand, forcing me to look up and into his eyes. He moved closer to me, and I couldn't move, couldn't do anything. I was a prisoner inside of my own body.

"You're just as beautiful as the last time I saw you~"

His eyes trailed down my body, and I whimpered again. Suddenly, his grip on my chin tightened, and I flinched back slightly.

"It's been so long~ How about we catch up?~ Sound good?~"

I was trembling. Soft whimpers escaped my lips, and my chest was so tight that I couldn't breathe. He only smirked at how vulnerable I looked, then smashed his lips to mine hungrily. I yelped, and tried to escape, but his grip on me was like iron. He forced his tongue into my mouth, and pressed his body closer to mine as I fought to get out of his impossibly tight grasp. I could smell the sickening scent of marijuana that lay on his skin, and resisted the urge to vomit.

When he finally drew away, I was shaking so much that I could hardly stand. My vision was blurry, my breathing quick and short.  I was hyperventilating.

He wiped away the trail of saliva that was strung between us, then gave me a final smirk, and returned to his seat, as if nothing had happened. I just stood there for a number of minutes, then took a deep, shaky breath that did nothing to calm me, and stumbled to the opposite seat, nearly tripping over my own legs on multiple accounts.

I swallowed, and fiddled with my scarf.  I wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and hide away from the harsh gaze of the world, but I couldn't.  Not in front of him.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when he spoke.

"So what shall we do now?~" He asked, tone bored, but still lustful.  I shivered, and opened my mouth to speak, but no words escaped.  He smirked.

"If you've got nothing, then I've got a couple of suggestions~" he added, drumming his fingers on his side of the desk.

My body stilled momentarily, then resumed it's quivering.  I didn't answer, and instead drew my legs up to my chest, keeping my eyes trained on his face.  He waited for a short while, then - if possible - his smirk grew.

"Well~" he purred, "We could have some fun to pass the ti-"

"No," I breathed, body stilling, finally managing to speak.  My voice was scratchy, and shook uncontrollably, even with just a single syllable.  He looked slightly taken aback, then smiled wider, and I started trembling in fear, already anticipating a punishment for speaking out of turn.  His next words though, surprised me.

"Finally got enough courage to stand up for yourself, eh?~ Took ya' long enough~ three years, I believe?~" he estimated.

"Two years, eight months, and twenty-seven days," I whispered immediately, hand tightening around my scarf, body still shaking uncontrollably.

He raised an eyebrow, then chuckled, while I flinched. 

"Ah well~ The offer's still there if you change your mind~"

I shook my head subtly, curling in on myself, gripping my scarf so tight that it hurt.  My knuckles were white, and my hand was shaking.

'Calm down, he can't do much, and if he tries to, you can call for help.'

I took a couple of deep breaths, and my hand finally stopped it's quivering, as did the rest of my body.  I pushed the possibility of nobody coming to help me to the back of my mind, and my death grip on my scarf loosened slightly.

I forced my eyes up so that I was looking into his eyes.  The dim light from the cracked bulb in the ceiling cast half of his face in shadow, and was glinting in one of his eyes, giving him an eerie feel.  He paused - presumably out of surprise - then raised an eyebrow, and chuckled softly.

"You seem to like my eyes, don't cha' babe~" he noted, smirking narcissistically.  I jumped slightly, and let my gaze drop back to the hard, dark oak wood desk.

"Aw~ Babe, you don't have to be shy~" he teased.

I remained silent, staring down at the top page of the file that was lying on the desk - one that I had failed to notice beforehand.  It was handwritten in a neat print, recognizable as Ink's handwriting. 

'Name: Classic Sans

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Convicted of: Multiple counts of murder, multiple accounts of rape.

Notes: Sorry Geno, you and Stretch were the only guards free, and nobody else opted to take your place.  I would have, but it's ridiculously busy for me right now.  Sorry again - Ink'



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