Chapter 58

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Reaper P.O.V

Geno and I lay curled up on the couch together, me snuggled beneath his arm as he played with my hair gently, twisting locks of it around his fingers, absentmindedly braiding and unbraiding sections of it.

It was nice.

It was nice to have his arms around me. It was nice to have his loving touches and affection directed only towards me, as if I were special.

I knew I wasn't special, but Geno made me feel as if I were.

And it was nice.

The niceness of it was plagued only by the guilt and regret that had been eating me up inside ever since I had found him a few hours ago, curled around himself, passed out, on the brink of death because I had been so stupid and selfish enough to leave him alone for three weeks.

I should have come home earlier. I should have.  I could have.

I should have come home instead of going off to buy the fucking ring that I had been saving up for for six bloody months - I couldn't just break into someplace to steal it, the risks were too high, kudos to the insane amounts of security - and I was skilled in assasination, not thievery. So, I had taken extra jobs to earn enough for that stupid ring; the ring that lay redundant and hidden inside of the small box in my pocket.

That damn ring wasn't worth Geno's pain. It wasn't worth the cuts on his arms. It wasn't worth having my angel nearly die. Nothing would ever be worth that.  Even though he let me treat his cuts, he was still hurt because of me.  He nearly left.  He nearly left, and I was so close to never seeing him again.

Not even marrying him would ever be worth nearly losing him.


Geno P.O.V

I pressed a soft kiss to Reaper's forehead, twirling his dark hair around my fingers as he gave soft, low purrs.

"I love you, my angel," he whispered, his eyes and expression so full of love that it made my heart hurt.

'I'm an idiot. How could I ever doubt how much he loves me? How could I have been so cruel?  I...  I don't deserve him in the slightest.'

"I love you too, Reaps," I said softly, pressing my lips to his gently, pulling away soon after, smiling slightly.  He smiled back, pulling me into another kiss, this one deeper than the last.

I let my hands drift over his body, touching his skin, his back, his sides, his arms, slipping my tongue into the kiss.  Reaper shivered lightly as he let me do so, pressing slightly closer to me, deepening the kiss as he did so.

'He's so perfect.'

I sighed contentedly, even as we broke away, gripping his hips as he smiled softly at me, our bodies pressed tightly together.

"You're so gorgeous, you know that, right?" Reaper whispered, his eyes twinkly and loving as his fingertips traced up my spine, making me shiver.

"You're more so," I murmured, smiling, kissing his nose gently.

"You're the gorgeous one, my angel~" Reaper said sweetly, his mouth finding my neck in a flurry of small, loving kisses, making me inhale sharply, my face warming at the gesture.

"R-Reaps..." I mumbled shyly as he pressed more kisses to my neck, flushing deeply.  Reaper froze slightly and stopped immediately, drawing away quickly, sending a small pang of disappointment through me.

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