Chapter 31

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Geno P.O.V

I sighed quietly, smiling softly as I cradled Reaper in my arms, petting him gently, my face still very warm, as this was an entirely new experience to me.

I wasn't used to having any dominance over anyone.  I was far more used to being submissive, to being held, rather than holding someone else.  I wasn't used to having control over someone.  I was used to being touched, even if I didn't want it.  I was used to being used, to being hurt.

For almost a month after I kicked Classic out of my apartment, I had completely lost the will to live, and all of the prisoners who pined after me took advantage of that. 

I was raped almost everyday for a month.  I didn't have the will to stop it, to get away.  I couldn't fight back.  I was too broken by what Classic had done to care.  I was just a toy, used, broken, then abandoned, only to be used again, breaking me further.

It was after that month that I started building my facade, acting strong even when I wasn't.  The constant raping stopped, but the prisoners still tried - oh god they tried, succeeded a couple of times, too.  I still didn't tell anyone, though.  I couldn't.  How do you say to your friends that you've been suffering through daily rapings for a month?

I lived like that until Reaper came.

Reaper changed everything; his presence changed everything.

Him loving me changed everything and more.

"Geno? Sweetheart, are you okay?" Reaper asked gently, raising his hand to cup my face tenderly, his voice and actions entirely full of love and care. I paused, then smiled slightly, leaning into his touch instinctively as he rubbed away the tears slipping down my cheeks.

"I'm fine," I whispered, smiling through tears.

And for once, it was actually true.


Reaper P.O.V

I couldn't help but to smile at Geno's words, knowing somehow that they were completely truthful.

"I'm glad..." I murmured, leaning his forehead against mine gently. "I'm so glad..."

Geno smiled brightly, his eyes shining with happiness and love, as well as tears, stunning me into silence with how beautiful he was.

"I am too..." he mumbled, leaning into me, holding onto my shirt slightly, smiling a small, adorable smile that made my heart jump.

"'re so beautiful," I whispered, staring at Geno, half frozen, completely in awe of him.

Geno flushed deeply, hiding his face in my shoulder.

"I'm n-not... i-idiot..." he mumbled.  I smiled softly, pressing my lips to his forehead gently.

"You are...  you're so beautiful, sweetheart, the way your eyes shine so brightly when you're happy, your adorable smile, your perfect lips~ The way that you act like a little tsundere, it's all so adorable and beautiful and perfect, and oh my god I could go on for days-"

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