Kade Speiser- Job

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I flicked through his laptop, whilst he was in the shower. I couldn't be prouder of Kade- his photography skills were developing daily and his pictures were getting better and better. I couldn't help, but smile as I stumbled across a photo of me. I could remember the day clearly- it was our 3rd date and he had brought his camera. He was showing me how to work it and he ended up doing a photo shoot on me. I heard the shower turn off and I quickly put his laptop back. I laid on the bed on my phone. He came back in about 15 minutes later. He was ready- he was wearing grey shorts, a Kade Speiser merch top and a cap. I put on some high waisted shorts and a cropped Kade top. I french plaited my hair and did my makeup. We drove over to the Team 10 house. He disappeared with Jake and Nathan. I headed up to my room and unpacked my overnight bag. I did some editing and then I could hear people arguing downstairs. "Fuck you!" Kade shouted. I ran downstairs. "Hey what's going on?" I asked as Kade stormed into the garden. Jake ran after him. Emilio and Ivan were stood watching in awe- they'd come back from Spain just last night. "Oh hey guys." I giggled. I greeted them both, and Emilio had explained what had happened. Essentially, Nathan wanted to take over Kade's job of being our photographer/videographer. Kade said he could manage it as he didn't vlog everyday. He had been doing them both for a couple months now- he would manage. I peeked my head round the office and Nathan was talking with Nick. I put my phone into my back pocket and headed into the garden. Kade was legit crying. I jogged over and crouched down in front of him. Jake was sat next to him, rubbing his back. "Bro I'd never put you out of work like that. You've worked your ass off for me, I wouldn't categorically NEVER do that." He said emphasising the 'Never'. Kade wiped his eyes and took his hat off. Jake went inside and I sat next to him. I put my one hand on his back and used my other one to hold his hands. "It'll be okay. You and Nath can talk. Decide who will film what." I said reassuringly. He stood up and put the palm of his hands over his eyes. He walked back through the house and out the front door slamming it as he left. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. 'Where are you going? We need to sort this babe.' I clicked send.


I can't believe Nathan had the nerve the fucking audacity to try and take my job. I have worked for Jake for ages now, I wake up every morning and try harder than the last. I film not just Jake's but Y/N's, Chanthony's, Martinez, Tessa, Alex..I help everyone and I'm disgusted he thought he could replace me. I drove for a little bit and my phone bleeped through the car speaker. It was Y/N. I didn't reply. I just drove.


Kade didn't pick up anyone's calls or reply to anyone's texts and Nathan went to search for him. I stayed with Anthony and stressed. I was so worried about Kade- he does very, very silly things when he's mad/upset. I've found him drinking himself to oblivion on numerous occasions or putting himself in a life threatening situation. My phone beeped about 2 hours later. I picked up my vlog camera and ended it. I pulled my phone out. 'Nowhere he usually is. We all need to come out.- N' I told Anthony and he chucked me one of his jumpers. We decided to start at the airport. We'd printed a couple pictures of Kade off the computer. I ran to a security guard. "Excuse me sir." I said. He turned around. "Have you seen this man?" I asked, he shook his head. "Sorry love." We asked 90% of the staff in LAX it took us 4 hours. He hadn't passed through the airport. Which means he's driving- tired. I felt sick. "Anthony I've got an idea." I said as we got back in the car. I dialed his parents number. "Hello sweetie." His Mum said as I answered the call. I explained what had happened. "He did ring me earlier- to say he was thinking about maybe coming home to Michigan for a couple days, but he didn't say anything about this argument." She said.

We spent another hour and a half searching for him- I was freezing and very sleepy. Anthony was getting a little weary it was 12.45 am. We pulled up at the Team 10 house- Jake and Nick were talking to the police. I saw Kade's car park up. I ran over. "He's back." Nick sighed. I ran over. "Kade." His eyes were super bloodshot and his cheeks very tear stained. I immediately pulled him into a tight hug as he sobbed into my shoulder.

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