Anthony Trujillo- Jack (Part Two)

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I felt sick as the fans started chanting my song, I walked off stage and back to the dressing room. I stood at the floor to ceiling window and looked at the view of L.A. I heard everyone pile up. "Honey that ain't hit." Chad said. I felt myself tear up. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry." He pressed his lips against my bare shoulder. "Anthony..." I pushed him off. My feelings towards Jack are so, so raw- it's what happens when you're mentally, physically and emotionally abused. "Please..." He said, I turned around as a tear dropped down my face. "You ruined tonight for me, don't bother speaking to me again today, I don't wanna hear it." We gathered our stuff up and did a couple journeys from the dressing room to the van. "Y/N HAVE YOU AND TONY BROKEN UP?" "Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?" Fans were shouting a dozen questions, luckily Jack was nowhere to be seen, so I focused on making sure I didn't leave anything behind. I sat in the first row of seats with Jake, Kade and Nathan. Erika, Tessa, Emilio and Ivan were behind us and then Anthony, Chance, Alex and Justin were behind them. Anthony wasn't talking to anyone. Kade put his arm around me. "It's gonna be okay." He said holding my hand.

We got back, and everyone was kinda quiet. My fight with Toner had affected everyone. I went into our shared room and quickly changed. He came in and I took off my makeup. I grabbed my Jake Paul sweatshirt and headed into Jake's room, where I was crashing for the night. It was already midnight by the time we got back, so I did some editing and headed to bed.

The next day, we had another live concert, except it started at 3 and finished at 7 as a pose to 7-11. We all got up at 11 and headed to the venue, which was an hour drive. We had makeup and hair done again and I got dressed. Today, I had a lacey, black bodysuit, ripped black, Joni jeans and the same Team 10 bomber jacket. I had my hair in loose waves. We had a break inbetween soundcheck and the performance, so I went out the back to talk to Tony. "You know I didn't say what I meant yesterday." He said. "It hurt, it hurt so fucking bad." I said angrily. "It's hard...I..." I quickly cut him off. "I didn't sign up for this. I can't control it Tony." I said tearing up again, he tried to hold my hand, but I pulled away. "Stop treating me like I'm damaged goods. I'm aware I've got a lot of fucking baggage, don't keep reminding me of it." I shouted. Paps started to crowd around. "If you can't take the heat, get out the kitchen. I know it's hard, I know, but you have to keep your cool at all times." I hissed. We went back to our dressing room. "It's not all about you." He muttered. "Not all about me?" I screamed, turning around. "Go get fucking abused for a good few years, come back and say it's not all about you. It is. I'm the one who's hurting, I'm the one who needs the help. If you can't deal with that, it's over." I said. "So you're breaking up with me?" He asked, tearing up. Everyone came into the hallway, to see what was going on. "If you can't keep calm when he's around yeah I guess I am." I said tearing up. "Y/N..." Jake said. "Y/N please..." Tony said. "All Team Ten members to stage, this is your 5 minute warning call." Was played over the speakers. "I've given you an ultimatium." I said flatly. I grabbed my lanyard and started walking to stage. 

(A/N pretend this is the song you wrote!) I was opening with my song, 

"I didn't mean to bruise your heart." I closed my eyes, and all the memories of Anthony flooded my memory. "Throw me a lifeline baby, say that I'm really sorry- pick up the phone." I looked at Anthony in the wings. "Hold me, love me, need me." I sang. I continued a little longer, before I got emotional. "I don't wanna make this climb, on my own." The room filled with applause and the others ran onto stage. I hugged Anthony tightly. "I love you, forever and always." He whispered in my ear. "I love you too." I whispered back.

We got back into the van around 8ish and I sat with Anthony. Jake snapped a pic of us;

I posted it on my ig;

'I love you @imanthonytruj' 

'I love you @imanthonytruj' 

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