Jake Paul- Apologize

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I sat by the pool in the new house, my feet dangling inside- the cold water sending shivers up my spine. It was dark and my only light source was the bright moon above me. No-one had come out for me yet- I just had the most explosive row with Jake and everyone heard. Recently, rumors have surfaced that Jake cheated and of course I don't believe them because I've been with Jake for 9 and half months now. And I'm pretty sure I know him. My mind was replaying the argument over and over again.


"Of course I don't believe it." I said ironing my clean clothes, I finished up and put the iron and board away. "Why would you bring it up anyway?" I asked putting the clothes away. "Because, we can't pretend it's not happening Y/N, we can't ignore it. I can't afford to have my name dragged through dirt." He said looking down at his phone. "Your name dragged through dirt? You're not the only one this is affecting Jake- don't be so selfish." I said angrily. He looked up from his phone. "Me selfish? Pft." He scoffed. "What does that mean?" I said, he put his phone down and shook his head. "It means if anyone is selfish in this relationship it's you!" He shouted. "I AM NOT SELFISH JAKE. I DO EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE IN THIS DAMN HOUSE. I TIDY UP EVERYONE ELSE'S SHIT. I CARE FOR EVERYONE, I HELP EVERYONE. I AM ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU- EVEN IF I'M HURTING." I shouted back. He frowned confusedly. "Maybe that's the real you, but your ego wouldn't allow you to do that. You're the reason Alissa left." He screamed. Tears burned my eyes as everyone crowded by the door. "Alissa left, because you made her. You forced her out of the house, none of us. How fucking dare you blame me for this! I loved Alissa, but I chose you, because I thought maybe she was lying. But, my god have you shown your true colours tonight Jake." I cried. "Fuck off, get out." He growled. I didn't move. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM." He roared, I pushed through everyone and ran down to the pool.


I was snapped out of my daydream, by Tony. "Hey." He said quietly. I felt a hot tear race down ym cheek. "Hey." I mumbled. "I've moved some of your stuff into my room if you wanna crash there tonight? Ray found a spare airbed." He said softly, resting his hand on my back. "If you're sure- I'd really appreciate that." I replied. "Come on." He said, I dried my feet on the towel, before sliding my shoes back on. He wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and walked next to me, his arm wrapped around me.

I went back in and everyone was crowded in the kitchen. Jake was nowhere to be seen. "He went out in the Tesla." Nick said. "I don't really care to be honest." I said. It was 11.43pm. Alex and Chance were already in bed and everyone else was getting ready to. "I'm gonna go crash." I said tearfully. Ray was upstairs making a little bed for me on the air mattress. "Thank-you." I said hugging him. He rubbed my back. "You're welcome." He replied. I went into mine and Jake's room and changed quickly. I grabbed my laptop, phone, headphones and chargers. I plugged everything into charge. I got into bed and Anthony sat beside me. "It'll seem so much better in the morning." He said kissing my forehead. "Thank-you." I smiled.

I woke up the next morning and Anthony was still asleep on the bed across the room from me. I stretched out and grabbed my phone. My phone buzzed. 'You up?' It was Jake. 'Yeah.' I sighed deeply. 'Come up, we need to talk.' I grabbed the blanket I'd slept with, my chargers, headphones and laptop. I walked up the stairs and opened the door. Jake was sat up in bed- without a shirt on. I put my stuff down and sat opposite him. He looked very tired. "I'm sorry." He said. "Jake I feel like you really overstepped the mark. I'm not sure an apology will cut it this time." I said. "Please Y/N." He said tearing up. "I'm gonna crash in Anthony's again tonight. Let's have a cool off period okay?" I said holding his hand. He pulled me towards him and we hugged tightly. "Talk again tomorrow yeah?" He said cupping my face in his hands. "Yeah okay." I said. He rubbed my back in circular motions and then kissed the top of my head. "I am really sorry." He mumbled. I got up. "I know you are Jake." I mumbled back.

A/N; Let me know if you want a part two x

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