Kade Speiser- Happier

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I woke up and had a shower, I washed my hair, blow dried it and straightened it. I sat at my desk for around half an hour and edited. I picked out my outfit- Topshop Joni Jeans in ripped, black and a Jake Paul merch hoodie with my Gucci trainers.

I headed downstairs and ate breakfast. Mackenzie was staying in L.A for a little while at the Team 10 house. I was still heartbroken from my split with Kade, so it was difficult seeing him with Mackenzie, but I know he's happy with her, so I'm happy for him. 

Kade and I dated for 2 years. We met through Jake and instantly hit it off- it was like we had a connection. We kissed on New Years Eve 2015 and made it official that night. I was and still am head over heels for Kade. He is the sweetest, caring guy I've ever met- his goal in life is to grow, but also to help others around him. He is the dream husband.

He was talking to Nathan in the kitchen, when he clocked me. He came over. "You alright?" He asked. I felt myself tear up, I slipped away and was running upstairs, when I nearly ran straight into my brother Tony. "Yo what's up?" He asked, following me into my room. We sat on my bed and chatted. He hugged me tightly and I fixed my makeup. There was a knock on the door and Jake came in. "What's going on?" He asked, Tony explained, whilst I calmed myself down. "Look Mackenzie goes back in a couple hours, so talk to Kade tonight." Jake said. I nodded as I teared up again.

I avoided him up until everyone was saying their goodbyes to her, I stood next to Alex and Chance. Alex gave my hand a tight squeeze- I've grown pretty close to her, bearing in mind Chance is like a brother to me. I went up to Mackenzie and hugged her. "Have a safe flight, it was lovely to meet you." I said. She smiled. "I want to say thank-you for being so welcoming. I know you're in a sort of awkward position with Kade at the moment." She whispered. I stepped back and Anthony put his arm around me. He kissed the top of my head and her car pulled up. Her and Kade had a moment and then she left. Everyone went off to do their own thing. I went up to my room and tidied up. It was dark by 9 pm, so I packed away my filming equipment and closed the curtains. Jake put the heating on and we all gathered in the living room- a new thing we do to relax in the evenings. I wrapped a blanket around myself. Erika had come over, so she was snuggled up with Jake, Alex was with Chance, and everyone else was sat around. Kade came in and bent down to my ear. "We need to talk, come on." He said quietly. I grabbed my tea and went up to his room. It smelt strongly of a mixture of Mackenzie's perfume and his cologne. We sat on his bed and I had flashbacks. Memories we'd made flooded my brain and my eyes burned with tears. "Hey why are you crying?" He asked as I broke down. "Because I love you Kade. But, you love Mackenzie and you are so much happier- aren't you? It's so clear." I sobbed. He pulled me into a hug. "You know no matter what I'm always gonna love you, just because I love Mackenzie as well doesn't mean I don't care about you." He said wiping my eyes.

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