Chance Sutton- Unknown Love

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They were in the same friendship group and she saw him his a best-friend. He was very in love with her and had been for years. He was there for her every time she went back to the fuckboy who broke her heart. He was there for her always. Everyone except Y/N knew....

I was walking down the hallway with Jake, when I saw him again. My heart ached as he looked up. His skin was sun kissed, he'd been abroad and he promised me when he was home we'd talk. For real and fix it. He caught my eye and winked. I smiled to hide the tears. We got round the corner and I nearly lost my balance. "What did we say? He left you alone all summer- fucked god knows how many other sluts." I pushed my hair behind me shoulders as he went on. "Jake, I know. I'm not going to go back to him. I promise you, he's broken my heart far too many times." I sighed. We went over to Chance and Anthony. My best friends Chloe and Molly were also there. "You alright?" Molly asked as I opened my locker to touch up my makeup. "Fine, fine". I mumbled. Anthony raised an eyebrow as I slammed my locker. "Okay he's back. I haven't stopped thinking about him all summer."


Y/N came over with Jake and he looked angry. She opened her locker and started touching up her makeup. "You alright?" Molly asked. Y/N slammed her locker as Anthony raised his eyebrow. "Okay he's back. I haven't stopped thinking about him all summer." She said her eyes becoming glossy. She picked at her nails as she did when she was upset or nervous. "Are you gonna speak to him?" Chloe asked, I watched a tear nearly drop, but she quickly looked to the ground. "I'm not sure." She said. My jaw clenched and my so did my fists when he walked towards us down the hallways. He walked so effortlessly towards her, he bit his lip and she half smiled. "Hey." He said. She gulped. "Hey, how was the Magaluf?" She asked. "Amazing...would've been better with you." He smirked, I watched her eyes light up. "Can we..." He pointed away from all of us. "Yeah, I'll come find you guys later on." She smiled happily. He bit his lip again and she walked next to him down the hallways. "Why the fuck aren't you telling her?" Anthony groaned. Molly and Chloe nodded their heads quickly in agreement. "Because she's clearly in love with him or she wouldn't of gone with him..." I muttered. Molly shook her head. "Chance, Y/N goes back to Jack every time, because that's all she's known. For the last 3 and half years he keeps fucking her over. We all know this. She goes back, because she's kidding herself he'll change. We know he won't, but she thinks she's in love with him so she won't see the bad side of him. But, she's not in love with him, she's in love with the thought of him and her together."


I sat down in one of the 'secret hideouts' Jack had 'made for us' when we first started dating. He sat in front of me. "I know I said I wanted to talk when I was back, because I still love you." The words stung the back of my throat. "I can't do this Jack. If you loved me you wouldn't be doing this, you wouldn't repeatedly..." His eyes filled with tears. "What? What do I keep doing?" He asked. "Breaking my heart Jack, over and over again. Every time this happens, you say you love me and suck me back in. Just to break my heart all over again Jack." I said sadly, he wiped his eyes. "So it's over for real this time?" He asked. I nodded dabbing my eyes with the back of my hand. "Yeah, I'm not setting myself up for heartbreak again." I sighed. We both stood up. "See you around." He nodded. "Jack..." He turned around. "I'll always love you." I said. "I'll always love you too." He sighed. He kissed my hand and walked away.

I went back to everyone else, lunch was just starting. I sat down inbetween Jake and Chance. "What happened?" Molly asked, passing me some food. I felt my eyes fill with tears. "It's done. I ended it for real this time, told him I was done with his shit."


She explained what had happened, her eyes becoming glossy once again. I rubbed her back and she smiled at me. "Anyway onwards and upwards bitches." She laughed, I quickly retracted my hand. Molly gave me the 'look' and Chloe nudged me with her elbow. "Y/N I know it's been a rough day, but can we talk?" I asked super nervously. "Yeah sure." She smiled. We walked around the hallways. "I was never sure if I had anything better than Jack." I started, she looked at me confused. "Go on." She nodded. "But I do. Because, I love you and I always have. Every time he broke you heart, I wanted to cuddle you tightly, tell you you always had me." I rambled, she cut me off smashing her lips against mine. "I love you too Chance, I always have. My love for Jack ended a long time ago, I was in love with the thought of him. You were always there to pick me up when I fell." She said softly. I grinned as my cheeks went pink as she kissed me again.

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