Jake Paul- Gucci

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I watched him end his vlog and then he laid in bed next to me. I ran my fingers through his hair as he closed his eyes for a couple seconds. "Are you okay?" I asked quietly; as he interlaced his fingers into my spare hand. "I'm just so shattered. The whole Disney Channel shit, vlogging, beef with Alissa is driving me insane, the whole Lamborghini situation.." He stopped. "I'm sorry for moaning." He said looking up at me. "You don't need to apologise. I'm your girlfriend you can rant to me all you like, I wouldn't want you hurting on your own." I said soothingly. He sat up and kissed me on the lips gently. "I love you." He said tucking my hair behind my ear. "I love you more." I replied. We went downstairs and gave his memory card to Kade and they started editing. I helped Erika film a video for the Team Ten channel with Nathan. It got to about midnight and Kade and Nathan headed home. Jake was doing some editing for a new video explaining his new merch etc etc. He was still going by about 3am. I rubbed my eyes and headed downstairs to get him. I rubbed his shoulders and he took his headphones out. "Babe come to bed." I whispered as Emilio and Ivan snored on the sofas in the corner. He shut down the Mac and slid his arm around my waist. We crept upstairs and climbed into bed.

I woke up to the sound of Jake vlogging. I wrapped the duvet around myself and snoozed for another 5 minutes. He came in. "Morning sweet pea." He grinned bending down and kissing me. I breathed in his aftershave, before he stood back up. "Morning babe." I smiled. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his torso. "Babe I've got to go out." He laughed as I squeezed him tightly. "I don't want you to." I moaned resting my head on his chest, he ran his fingers through my hair. "I promise we can have a cuddle and kiss when I'm back." He smirked. "Okayyy." I said kissing him on the lips. "Drive safe." I said hugging him tightly. "I will do beautiful." He kissed me again, before heading downstairs with his keys.

I showered and got dressed, before doing my makeup and hair. I ended up Dutch braiding my hair and going for a rose gold eye look with a matte, nude lip. I threw on a Erika Costell cropped black, goat hoodie and some black, skinny, ripped jeans and my classic Adidas Superstars. I started my vlog as I walked downstairs and I was greeted by Anthony. "Hey y/f/b/n (your fan base name)!" He said to the camera. I swung my arm around his shoulder and we chatted to the camera for a little bit. I ate some breakfast and then headed out with Tessa. We did a little shopping and I grabbed Jake a T-Shirt he'd been eyeing up for ages. We got back and the house was surprisingly empty. I went over to Jake. "I've got a surprise, come upstairs." I grinned. I held his hand and pulled him up. Kade had set a few sneaky GoPros in the room and was stood outside the door with a camera waiting to burst in and film his reaction. "So, I went shopping with T today." I smirked pulling the Gucci bag out of my H&M one. "What no you didn't?!" He gasped as I passed it to him. He pulled out the T-Shirt and Kade came in. "No fucking way!" He screamed. His eyes watered and he kissed me. He noticed Kade filming and then the GoPros. "You've done amazing!" He said excitedly. He put it on and damn he looked hawtttt. "I love you." He said, before smashing his lips onto mine. We pulled apart and smiled in between kisses- causing our teeth to clink against each other. "I love you too." I replied. He didn't stop smiling as our fingertips interlaced. "ThankYou beautiful." He said softly. He kissed me again. "You are more than welcome, you have worked so damn hard- I'm so freaking proud of you." I said softly.

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