Nathan Speiser- Rape

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His hands tugged at my skirt as I tried to push him off me. "Relax it's okay." He said leaving lovebites on my neck. I groaned in pain as he inserted it. Tears gushed down my face as he thrusted in and out. "Stop please." I sobbed. He growled and smashed his lips against mine. He pinned me down by my arms lacing his fingertips across my chest. "Come on enjoy it." He groaned. Finally, after what felt like forever he climbed off me- ripping the condom off and re dressing himself. I ached in immense amounts of pain. I slid a jumper and sweatpants on as he raced out my hotel room. I crawled across the floor and rang 911. "Ambulance and police...I've just been raped." I sobbed.


It was a numb feeling as I sat in the hospital bed, Nathan was a mess. I was covered in bruises, hickeys and everything including my you now what ached. Every time I closed my eyes I'd picture it again, so I couldn't sleep. I could just about keep a little water down without throwing up. I haven't eaten in over 24 hours. I was getting checked for STD's, any serious damage e.g sex related injuries, toxins or poisons in my blood and then regular mental health questionnaires.


I didn't know what to do- her skin was white as a sheet, the bags under her eyes black- she hadn't slept, the cocktail of the drugs she was on made her sleepy, forgetful and very clingy. I was raging when I first found out and I still am 2 days later. My beautiful, beautiful Y/N was touched and hurt by someone who didn't love her. We've 'done it' a couple times, but always very very romantically and lovey. He forced her- she was in so, so much pain. I can't do anything to help her, because she's mentally scarred.

I looked into her eyes- which were constantly filling with tears. She was laying under her duvet- something I'd brought in as a comfort and she was rocking herself back and forth. I caressed my hand against her shoulders and kissed her quickly on the cheek. She snuggled into me.

A/N; I urge anyone that knows anyone/ has been affected by rape that you come forward, punish and demoralise the scums that think it is okay to take away OUR human rights. My inbox is always open if anyone needs a chat. As always PM me or comment your request down below!

Mwah! xx

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