Jake Paul- Friends Part Two (Requested) 197th Part😭

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"I love you, fuck that. I fucking adore you, I idolise you and losing you will break me. You mean the absolute world to me Y/N and that won't change. Be friends with whoever you want, live life however you want to. I love you, you love me and that's all that matters. Me and you." He whispered, resting his head against mine...

I looked at him. "Then make a video..." I said. "A video about..." He answered as I stepped away. "That you don't care who I'm friends with that you love me no matter what..." He bit his lip as I went on. "My reputation and name will be ruined if you don't..." I whispered. "I can't do that, give Alissa that...if it was anyone else you know..." I cut him off. "Okay I get it, I'll pack my things." He stood there like I hadn't said it. I got out my suitcases and packed my life up. I got Nick to book me a flight for the next morning at 7am. I had about 6 hours or so to kill, before Anthony was driving me to LAX. I sat on the end of my bed, everything had set in. Chance, Alex and Rocky came in. "Please don't go." Alex said tearing up. I grabbed her and Rocky into a tight hug. "You'll always be my girls." I whispered, we were all crying.

It came to goodbyes and I was a mess. It was Nick, Chad and Chance for starters. "I can't thank you enough for everything Nick." I said hugging him tightly. "You don't have to leave you know..." He said softly, cupping my face. "I do, I'm sorry. I'll keep in contact." I moved onto Chance. "You have made every second of this incredible." I cried, he hugged me emotionally. "Always here for you." He whispered. I moved onto Chad. "You are a total legend." He grinned, we hugged and I moved to Erika. "I'm so sorry." She sobbed, forigivingly I pulled her into a hug. "You don't need to be sorry Rick." I cried, she looked at me. "I love you and that door will never close." She said. "I love you too and it means everything to me. Take care babe." I said another goodbye to Alex and Rocky. "Look after the boys." I giggled. It was only Jake left. I looked at him. "Please don't go." He said, his eyes flossing over. "I have to I'm sorry Jake." I whispered, he held my face with his hands and kissed me softly. I looked at him. I rested my forehead against his and held his hands. "I love you and I will never close that door." He whispered, I felt a tear drop from his face onto mine. "I love you too and I'll miss you so much." I cried. We hugged and he rocked me back and forth. He walked me out to Anthony's car. "Take care gorgeous, it's not over okay? This is a break." I said softly trying to reassure him. "Promise one day you'll come back, when you've straightened things out?" He asked. I nodded. I kissed his hand; "I promise." I whispered.

6 months have passed and Y/N has been in contact with Nick. She's heading back to L.A, to her home and her friends. She's surprising everyone.

"Right we have loved having you here baby girl and you are welcome home all the time." My Dad said kissing my cheek. I hugged him. "I love you Dad, thankyou for everything." I said, he held me tightly and kissed my cheek again. "Now go win your charmer back." He said lifting my chin up with his thumb. I went over to my Mum and held her so tight. "We love you." She mumbled.

I got back and Nick picked me up from the airport. He told everyone to be back around 7ish and wait outside the front of the house. We pulled up and everyone was crowded around. I saw Jake and I was so excited. I got out. "I'M BACK BITCHES." I shouted, Jake fell to the ground in tears and everyone was so shocked. I ran over to everyone and was bombarded. Jake stood up and picked me up. I wiped his eyes. "Surprise baby." I whispered, I kissed him softly.

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