Justin Roberts- He's Worthless To Me

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I felt like I was getting nowhere with him. He wasn't listening, his mind was somewhere far away. Not listening, daydreaming, but nodding slowly. "It's over." He said, completely cutting me off. My entire body froze up and I felt instantly sick. "What?" I mumbled. "I'm done with your emotions- you're so up and down. One second you're all over me and the next your screaming and crying at me." He snapped. "What the fuck Justin? You know I suffer so fucking badly from depression and anxiety! Why the actual fuck would you say that? I screeched. He instantly regretted it. "I didn't mean it, baby I'm sorry. I love you, I don't wanna break up." He rambled. "Drop the act. You don't give a fuck about me!" I exclaimed. "Babe you know I love you." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Justin pack your stuff and get the fuck out." I said holding my head in my hands. "Please..." "LEAVE." I shouted. He stormed around, shoving his stuff into his bag. Muttering insults as he packed.

He left and tears poured down my face. We were done. After a turmulent 2 years together, I was done. I cried for a couple hours, before pulling myself together. My phone was blowing up with multiple different messages, calls and DM's from him. I text him.
'We're over. Don't ever contact me again. I don't want to collect my stuff or vice versa. Leave me alone.- Y/N.'

I sat down and it finally hit me, I took down all the pictures of us, the gifts, his mugs and put them all in a cardboard box, which I taped up and slid into the bottom of my wardrobe.

A/N: Ik this so short, but I'm struggling with what to write! Leave some ideas/requests below or PM me. Mwah x

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