Anthony Trujillo- I'm Done

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He'd gone from texting me whenever we were apart, to texting me once in a blue moon. From kissing me to barley looking me in the eye. From talking to me everyday to pretending I wasn't in the room. Our relationship suddenly turned toxic and I was not prepared for the immediate heartbreak that followed.

He came back in the door and I didn't move. He sat down on the sofa next to me and put his shoes up on the coffee table. My eyes were bloodshot and puffy from all the crying. "What are we doing about tonight?" He asked. It was currently 2pm and at 7pm we had the Streamy's. "I don't know." I muttered. He looked up from his phone for a few seconds, before his eyes darted back down. I had a hot shower and washed my hair. I dried it and then had it done by a hairdresser I had a small amount of my hair braided into Dutch at the top and then the rest curled. I also had my makeup done. Anthony was wearing a top,  jeans, his new trainers and a silk Team 10 bomber jacket. I had a black dress with heels and I also had a small, silver clutch. We all loaded into our vehicles. I ended up with Anthony, Jake and Chance.

It was no secret within Team 10 that me and Anthony were very, very close to breaking up. To everyone else, we were good. We pulled up and were escorted to the red carpet entrance. I had my powder and lipstick topped up and I slipped my hand into Anthony's. He held it loosely until we stepped onto the carpet when he actually tried. We all smiled for the cameras and I pretend for a split second that me and Tone were okay. I looked into his deep, brown eyes as the paps snapped pictures. "KISS KISS." Was being chanted. My chest tightened and he just tipped his head back- laughs escaping his mouth as he grinned ear to ear. I pretend to laugh to and we carried on walking. We were taken backstage as we were doing a Team 10 performance of 'It's Everyday Bro' I put a Team 10, black, silk bomber jacket on draping off my arms and got my mic. We were on stage, the lights came up and I saw Alissa in the crowd. Jake's eyes were swimming with tears, but he pushed through ."It's everyday bro with that Disney channel flow." He rapped. It was Nick, Chance, Martinez, Tessa and then me. "It's everyday bro, I said it's everyday bro." Jake said. I stepped forward. "He said it's everyday bro have you seen his Disney show? Millions watching in.." I had to do my lyric about Anthony. He came over and we were closer than we had been for about 3 months. I had to put my hand on his chest. "Girls don't text him back." I pushed him a little more forcefully and he stumbled back. He frowned slightly, before going along with it. The lights went down and we were guided to our seat. We all cheered as Jake scooped an award.

When we got back, Anthony had decided to stay at the house, so of course I had to 'tag along' as he had previously phrased it. We went to our old room and both got into comfy clothes. It was sad silence. Like tonight had proven to both of us that we either had to try really damn hard to fix it or it was done- forever- no going back. "What are we gonna do?" I asked quietly. For the first time in what felt like forever, he enveloped his arms around me and held me tightly. "We're gonna fix this." He mumbled as a tear rolled down my cheek. I breathed in his gorgeous scent and he ran his hands along my back. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." He replied.

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