Nathan Speiser- Leave Them Alone Now (Requested)

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I woke up next to Nathan, for the first time in forever. It was so nice, I snuggled down and absorbed it whilst I could. We got up and both got ready. We did Jake's intro with him and decided to watch a film just the two of us. We decided on La La Land. We grabbed some blankets and made a den type thing on the couch downstairs. I rested my head on his chest, when Erika came in. "Hey lovebirds." She winked. Jake was close behind and his eyes furrowed. "Nathan aren't you working today?" He asked.

I love jake- he's my older brother, but he hates when me and Nathan are more than 10 meters away from each other.

"Jakeeee." I groaned, Nathan rested his arm around me. "No bro Kade's filming today." He said. Jake frowned and tapped his lip with his finger. "Hmm. I don't think that was the schedule but okay." He shrugged, Erika dragged him away and I sighed. We watched no more than another 2 minutes, before Chance and Anthony burst in. "We need Nathan for one second." They grabbed him and dragged him away.  Annoyed, I went on my phone for a bit. He came back in about an hour later. "Sorry babe." He huffed, we got to such a juicy bit when jake burst in. "Mum's on the phone." He said, I rolled my eyes and followed him to the kitchen. "Hey Mum." I said. "Jake said you needed to tell me something?" She asked, Jake pretended to be unaware of what was happening. "He's trying to ruin my day with Nathan. Sorry Mum I don't have anything to say." She chuckled on the other end. "It's because he loves you- don't forget that. Okay sweet speak to you soon." I passed the phone back to Jake and hit him on the arm.

I went back in and we finally seemed to be in peace, until Kade and Mackenzie came in. I was ready to flip out.


They'd been disturbed all day and I could tell Y/N was getting annoyed. "Guys leave them alone joe seriously." I huffed, shoving everyone out. I closed the doors and she flopped onto the sofa. "Jake seriously she's fine they've been together over a month now, kade really? Chanthony honestly and just ugh." I said. Jake put his arms around my waist. "Am I forgiven?" He pouted. I kissed him. "Be nice to your sister and her boyfriend who happens to be one of your best friends." I said pinching his cheeks. He groaned and I dragged him away.

A/N: I've found some time to write today, so merry Christmas my loves! Hopefully I'll be able to upload tomorrow! Love you all, keep requesting

Mwah x

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