Anthony Trujillo- In Time

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I've just got back with my ex boyfriend Anthony, just in time for Christmas.

We first met 5 years ago in Ohio when I transferrred to a knew school. We instantly hit it off, and dated for 3 years. We broke up when he moved to L.A to join Team 10. When Jake asked me to join, I was reluctant, because of our past. It was a messy break up, and although I'd had a few flings since it really hurt to see him. Now, I've been in L.A for a year and a half and we're finally re kindling and re igniting our relationship!

I woke up from a nap in bed alone. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone, it was 3pm. I got up and fixed my hair and makeup. I headed downstairs. Jake was gathering everyone up to film a segment for the vlog. "Right so I just need everyone to crowd around and do the outro." He said. I walked over and joined in. We went outside and all crowded around. I stood up front with Jake and Erika. "We'll see you tomorrow, cause it's Christmas Eve bro...peace!" We were filming the vlog a day in advance. We all flew home tonight, to be home tomorrow for Christmas Eve.

I ran upstairs and grabbed the last of my things. We walked around, switching all of the lights, plug sockets and Christmas decorations off. We all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. It was just me, Anthony, Chance and Jake left. We locked everything up and ran around, double, triple and quadrupling checking. I locked my car a couple times, before Jake locked the garage. An uber came and we went to LAX.

The flight was super quick and we were home with what seemed like a couple hours. We all said goodbye and headed back. Anthony went home, but my house was first. He kissed me softly on the lips. "See you soon k?" He smiled. I kissed back passionately. "Yes counting down the hours." I mumbled. "Cut the PDA." My Dad said, standing at the door. I kissed him again. "I love you." I called as he got in the car. "I love you too beautiful." He called back. I grinned and bounded up to the door. My Dad embraced me and my Mum was close behind. "We've missed you." My Mum exclaimed!

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