Anthony Trujillo- Old Me

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A/N: To anyone reading who can relate to this imagine- you aren't alone. My inbox is always open for personal messages or requests. The comment are there for you to say what you thought and how you feel. You are never alone. Thank-you for the continued support with comments, votes and requests x

I felt sick as I approached the school- it was going to be a fresh start. I had moved from my old school, because I fell into a deep, dark hole of drugs, relationships and alcohol. I wrecked my life essentially. But, one person who was there for me every step of the way was my (now ex) boyfriend- Anthony. We went through a rough patch at first- until I let him into my mind and space, so he could understand. Despite the fact we were thousands of miles away in 2 different states, he did his best to help me. He even managed to skive off school for a couple days to come see me in hospital. Once, I'd recovered my parents decided a move would be a good idea, but I didn't want them to up heave their life for me, so I'm currently staying with Anthony. Weird I know. We broke up during my recovery- I felt like it was too much pressure on him, he disagreed, but I insisted we ended the relationship. But, we remain very, very close.

"You're fine." He said sweetly- he knew exactly when my Anxiety and Panic Attacks were starting. I wasn't over Anthony just yet- we've been broken up for 2 months, I've been in Ohio for a month of the summer- I've grown close with Jake and Chance as well as one of Anthony's friends Millie and her bestfriend Summer. I know these guys have my back.

I got my timetable, I had homeroom and all my lessons today with Anthony. The day flew past, but the stares and snide comments had hurt a lot. People were questioning why I was desperate enough to stay with Anthony. I decided this wasn't going to work out. I rang my parents. "Please Mum." I sobbed perching on the bed that was in the spare room. My suitcase was packed up in front of me. "I've booked your ticket and sent you info sweetie. Fly safe and Dad can meet you the other side. I love you." I hung up and started packing. "What are you doing?" Anthony asked standing in the doorway, I felt a few tears drop down my cheeks. "Going home." I mumbled. "Y/n..." He said grabbing me. I froze in his grasp. "Please don't go, I don't want to watch you get hurt again." He mumbled back. "Tone.." I said as he pulled me towards him. He snaked his arms around my hips. "Ignore people- people are assholes. You are beautiful, smart, sweet, funny, kind and I love you." He said. I looked up at him. "I love you too."

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