Anthony Trujillo- Bad Boy & Bad Girl

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Their relationship seemed perfect- bad girl falls for bad boy. Everyone knew they were together a boy darent look at Y/N and girls darent look at Anthony. It seemed so, so perfect. But, their problems began behind closed doors.

I waited for him to pick me up, we were gonna be late again. "Y/N are you still here?" My Mum huffed, coming into the hallway. Anthony's car pulled up. "Not anymore. See you later bye." I said. She sighed. "Goodbye sweetie, don't forget I go away tonight. Tony's welcome, love you." She called as I closed the door. I ran down the steps and hopped into the car. Jake and Chance were in the back. "Morning babe." Anthony said kissing me softly on the lips. "Morning gorgeous." I smiled. I stretched my hand back and high fived Jake and Chance. "Morning boys." I said putting my seatbelt on.

I touched up my makeup and checked my hair in the mirror, before we all got out. The bell for registration was ringing and everyone was dashing around. Anthony locked the car and slipped his hand into mine. "Ready for hell beautiful?" He said as Jake and Chance walked in front of us. "Noooo." I moaned tugging on his arm. He kissed the top of my head. "Come on beautiful. We've got to at least pretend we're doing school." He said.

We all sat down and I was sent outside within the first 5 minutes for talking. I tapped my fingers on my arms, pacing between the classrooms, waving to all my friends. My registration teacher Mr.Milan came out of the classroom. He crossed his arms and sighed deeply. "Miss Y/L/N..." He said dragging out my surname. "Yes Sir..." I groaned. "Last time we spoke you were going to make more of an effort." He huffed. "Sir my talents lie outside of school- I'm good at singing, dancing, being me." I said tearing up. He shook his head. "You still need to be able to do the basic skills- English, Maths etc." He said, I quickly wiped my tears being embarrassed. "Go back inside for the last 5 minutes and keep your mouth zipped." He smiled. I smiled back and opened the door. Anthony was arguing with a boy in our class. I went over. "Calm baby." I said resting my hand on his leg. He instantly stopped tensing and the boy walked away.

Later that night, we were at mine alone. Anthony wanted to play Xbox, I was tired so I just laid in front of him. His arms were around me. "Can we go to bed?" I yawned. We had to get up for school tomorrow and it was gone midnight. "Yeah one more second". He said finishing his game. He switched everything off. "Carry me?" I said doing puppy dog eyes, he scooped me up and I curled up into him. We got ready for bed and I got in first. I checked my phone, before snuggling down. Anthony put on a film as he wasn't tired, I rested my head on his chest and fell asleep within seconds.

The next day at school was horrendous. Anthony and I had an explosive argument just before we left for school. I had no makeup on, my hair was in a messy ponytail and I was wearing a massive hoodie, leggings and UGG's. Anthony was wearing a tracksuit and his hair was a mess, both of our eyes red and our cheeks tear stained.

The car ride to school was silent and awkward as. I rested my head on the cold glass, he was driving quite fast and I didn't want another argument by telling him to calm down. I got out and slammed the door when we got to school. I put my handbag on my shoulder and walked into school. Everyone was staring as us as we all stood around awkwardly. My eyes teared up as I looked at Anthony. "I'm gonna go." I mumbled. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and headed to my first lesson. I waited outside, feeling shattered inside.

Lunchtime came around and we all sat around the field. I picked at the grass, whilst Jake and Chance had a deep conversation. Anthony looked up at me as my older brother Jordan came over. He'd just come back from seeing my Nan in Arizona. "We need to talk." He muttered. I stood up and followed him around the corner. "Hey, whats up?" I asked. "Basically, I heard you and Tony this morning. I got back late last night." He said. I felt my cheeks go pink. "Sorry." I mumbled embarrassed. He held my arm. "Don't apologise, I wanted to check you were okay..." He said softly. "I'm scared as fuck that it's gonna end Jordan. Scared as fuck." I whispered, tears flooding my face. Anthony came over. Jordan let go of my arm. "I heard..." Anthony started. "Jordan can you give us some space?" I asked sadly. He nodded, kissing the top of my head as he walked away.

"About earlier, I'm sorry. I love you, I don't want this to end Y/N." He said. "I'm sorry as well, I love you so so much Anthony. I would be shattered if this ended." I whispered. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a tight cuddle. He rocked back and forth. "Me and you. Bad boy and bad girl." He chuckled. "Always." I giggled back.

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