Jake Paul- Ruined

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I pulled my duvet up under my chin and looked at the dull sky outside. I was completely ruined, he had fucked me over so bad that I had to come home. My feelings had completely take over my life. I barley left my bed, spent my days crying, I hadn't posted on my YouTube channel since I said I was taking a break due to the split with Jake.

We were high school sweethearts, he was the 'bad' boy in school that all the girls fancied and he picked me. I was quite close with Anthony, so that's how we met at Anthony's 'Back To School Party' and we hit it off. He started Team 10 and asked me to join, so I moved with Chance and Anthony to L.A. After 3 and a half years together, me and Jake broke up. 

The amount of pain I feel is indescribable, so I came back home to Ohio and I've been here for 2 months now, fans are speculating on whether Jake has kicked me out of Team 10, whether I'm coming back, so today I'm gonna film a video and explain it all in depth. I put on a Team 10 jumper and some sweatpants. I did my hair in a messy bun and didn't bother with makeup as I knew I was gonna cry. I grabbed a bottle of water and pressed record.

"Hey guys and welcome back to my channel." I said tearing up, I took a deep breath. "As you can see, I am very emotional, so I'm gonna leave this uncut, so I can show that this is true not bullshit. This video isn't for attention, that's not what I want, I owe all of you an explanation to what has been going down as I know a lot of you are confused." I said.

"I am currently at home in Ohio as I have been for 2 months now, I needed some time out for myself, that's why I've been inactive on my social medias and why my channel has been empty since the video Jake and I made explaining our breakup. That was a really hard thing to do, because once we've told you guys it's officially the end. We can't pretend anymore and that was really fucking hard." I said tearing up again, I bit my lip to prevent crying. "It was done about a month before we told you guys. Only Team 10 members and our families knew it was over, so that was why during the month before the video, I was sleeping back in my old room and why I wasn't in Jake's vlogs anymore. It was the hardest thing not to tell you, I felt like I had let you guys down, but we were both hurting a lot and trying to deal with it. When you're in a nearly 4 year relationship, a break-up is gonna be very hard. Our life is out there on the internet, so I said to Jake that we needed to tell you- we owe you everything we have, so we shouldn't lie and hide the truth. I was and still am very, very heartbroken over this whole situation, that is why I'm at home. So,regarding my living situation Jake has categorically NOT kicked me out of Team 10, frozen my contract or told me I'm not allowed to return. He actually texted me after I landed." I pulled up the message. "I hope that this time will allow you to refresh, keep me posted with what's going on and when you wanna come back. Whatever happens you're my ride or die and I've always got your back. Send your family my love, stay safe, love you always.- Jake." I wiped my eyes. "We have no hard feelings, we both have a lot of love for each other and I will be flying back to L.A some point between October 21st-October 27th. Thank-you for your continued support through all of this, I love you all and I will see you next week for another video next week." I blew a kiss and turned the camera off. I put the footage onto my laptop and uploaded it to YouTube.

I text Jake to let him know a video was going up, so he was prepared. I set it to go live at 7.00pm, I went shopping with Mum and got my nails done, finally I was starting to feel normal again.

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