Kade Speiser- Insane Amounts

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I pressed the bottle of Vodka to my lips again, when she snatched it away. "Y/N." She shouted, I was snapped out of my daze and I totally broke down. She pulled me into a hug. "Mum I-I-I-..." I stuttered. She held me tightly. "I'm sure you'll fix it; you always do." She said soothingly, rubbing my back. I finally calmed down and headed up to bed it was gone midnight. I put my phone on charge- I had a text from Kade. 'I'm sorry babe...I love you. Goodnight baby girl. I'll swing by tomorrow? Before I go back to L.A x' I replied quickly. 'I'm sorry too and I wanna see you sm rn need your cuddles and kisses. I love you too, come round whenever xx' I slept for hours and I was woken up by Kade kissing me lightly on the nose. "Hey babe." He grinned. I rubbed my eyes as he slid under tbe covers with me. I curled up into him and rested my head on his chest. "My flights in 4 hours I've got to go soon." He whispered. "I know, it's just gonna be a little while until I see you again. I want to savour this." I replied quietly. He kissed me and ran his fingers through my hair. "I agree."

We chatted, made out and cuddled for another hour and half, before his Uber arrived. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly. "Goodbye I'll see you soon babe." He whispered into my ear. I kissed him one last time. "Okay stay safe beautiful." I waved him off and headed inside.

I binged watched Riverdale and ate some Ben & Jerrys. I was already missing Kade insane amounts. I text him. 'Missing you lots already. I love you baby x' I pressed send and snuggled under my blanket.

I woke up the next morning and was really tired. I had a shower and got ready. I went out with my sister and her daughter. I scooped Emily up into my arms. She buried her head in my neck as we walked around the shops. She was snoring within seconds, I put her down into her buggy and pushed her along.

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