Kade Speiser- Wake Up

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His body was sorta lifeless, when he slept. He always has slept so, so deeply and even more so recently. Jake is constantly travelling the world and Kade really struggles with time differences and jet lag. We are currently about to go to Miami, I woke up and took mine and Kade's stuff downstairs. I ran back up and woke him up gently. "Kade wake up baby." I said rubbing his bare back. He slowly woke up and groggily got dressed. I threw on a camo all in one and french braided my hair in the Uber on the way to LAX. 

The flight wasn't too well, but when we landed Kade wasn't feeling good...at all. He was very tired as they had returned from Italy just 2 days ago and he was so busy with work he hadn't caught up on sleep. He went for a lie down when we got to our hotel, so I headed out with Erika. We went out for dinner just me, Jake, Erika, Justin and Nathan- we decided not to film it and just have some time hanging out- something we rarely get to do nowadays. We got back and all unpacked. Kade was sleeping quite restlessly- he was tossing and turning. Suddenly, he raced to the toilet and started being sick. I got him a little glass of water and followed him in. He was hanging over the toilet groaning in pain as he threw up. I rubbed his back gently and he leant back against me- he was burning up, but was complaining about being freezing cold. He finished throwing up about 15 minutes later, I forced him to have a cold shower to help his fever and then gave him some medicine. He was asleep by 10.30, so I went next door to Jake's room.

I woke up the next morning, Kade was throwing up again. I stretched out, before going to check on him. "Hey babe." I said gently, crouching next to him. He flushed the toilet and I hugged him carefully. He forced himself to get on with the day and around midday he was feeling much, much better.

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