Chad Tepper- Please, For Emily

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"Emily come here baby." I said, she wobbled over to me and I scooped her up.

Chad and I met on Team 10, 11 years ago- we were together on the second week of living in the house. He was 25 and I was 21. We got engaged on our 3rd anniversary and had our little girl, Emily who's now just 3.Shortly after her birth, when she was just a month old we split and he went for joint custody- which is what he received.

I got her bags together and sat her on the bottom step. "Are you gonna go to Daddy's?" I smiled, slipping her shoes on. "Dadda." She gargled, stuffing her fist into her mouth. I heard his car pull up, I slipped my ballet pumps on and put her bags on my shoulder. I walked out and Chad got out the car. He took her bags and then her. He strapped her in. "See you soon baby." I said kissing her. She waved and I closed the door. He turned around and his eyes were red and puffy. "You okay?" I asked. "I wanted to apologise about my text messages." He said softly. "For the voice messages and the way I've treated you. You can do so much better than me, and it seems I'm finally coming to terms with the fact you don't need me." He said rubbing his neck as his eyes teared up. I felt my eyes prickle with tears and burn. "Chad.." I said, he started to walk away. "Chad." I said, he looked over his shoulder. "Drop Emily off at my Mum's on Saturday, I've got work in the morning." I said. He looked disappointed. "Okay." I waved at her through the window as he drove away.

My heart was broken for so long after we split. I tried and tried to make it work with him- but it just didn't. We were so, so in love that it was toxic. We couldn't see how toxic it was until it was too late. We couldn't repair it. I felt like I didn't have time to be heartbroken, I had to get up and go to work- for Emily. He stood on my doorstep so many times begging for me to take him back, I shut the so many times, that I was no longer heartbroken. But, Chad has always been heartbroken about the situation.

     **4 DAYS LATER (SUNDAY)**
Emily was having a nap, so I tidied around the kitchen. There was a knock on the door, it was a police officer. "Good afternoon Ma'am are you Miss.Y/L/N?" He asked sadly. I nodded. "Yes...why?" I felt my chest tighten. "You were the first emergency contact on Mr.Tepper's phone. We had to take him to the station...after the hospital. He was in a fight with a young lad outside a club last night." He said. I sighed. "He's the father of my baby and my ex fiancè. I'll be down as soon as possible, is there a price on his bail?" I asked nervously. "No the victim has decided to drop charges, but we do need someone to collect him and ensure he arrives home safely." He said. "Okay I'll be down as soon as possible." Mum rushed over to watch Emily. I grabbed my keys and purse and got in the car.

I got him and we got into the car. "What the fuck Chad? What the fuck are you doing?" I screamed. His eyes filled with tears. He had one black eye, a split lip and his nose was a little swollen. "Clubbing on a fucking weeknight? You're a fucking Dad." I said slamming my hands on the steering wheel. "I'm sorry." He cried. I ran my hands through my hair and started to sob myself. "I can't do this." I sobbed. He tried touching my arm, but I swatted him away. "Y/N.." He said. "No I'm dropping you at your house and you are going to make this a one time thing." I snapped. We drove in silence, we pulled up outside his house. "Stop the drinking, please for Emily. Not for me, not for you, not for your parents for Emily." I said. He nodded. "Get out." I muttered. I drove away as soon as his door closed. I cried most of the way home, because I'm still in love with him...

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