Jake Paul- Heartbreaker

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I wiped the tears off my cheeks as they continued to fight over me. "I didn't do it on purpose." Jake growled. Anthony had him up against the wall. "Stop." I screamed, standing up. Everyone froze and Anthony let go as Jake rubbed his throat. "Just stop." I said putting my hand on my forehead. I sighed as Chance pulled me into a tight hug. "Shows over." Anthony said angrily- everyone scattered. Jake went up to his room. Anthony came over and Chance followed Jake. "Tony I know you are so, so fucking angry and I am devastated, but I don't want you to lose Jake over this. Your friendship is so strong. I dated Jake for 2 years, he dumped me unexpectedly, so I'll get over it." I said. "I know I'm your big brother, I'm meant to protect you. I just.." I cut him off, by pulling him into a tight hug. "Thankyou, I love you Toner." I said quietly.

Once Tony had calmed down, I headed upstairs to speak to Jake. I could hear him sobbing in his bedroom, I took a couple, deep breaths and I tapped my knuckles on the door. He sniveled. "Who is it?" He said angrily. I hovered my hand over the key pad, before putting the code in. The door popped open and he had his head in his hands. I closed it and he looked up. "Jake.." I said quietly walking over. I sat on his bed and looked around the room. We'd been broken up for 2 days and none of the fans knew- only members of Team 10- there was a couple rumors, but we hadn't confirmed or denied anything. "I am really sorry for the things Toner said." I mumbled, he wiped his eyes. "He is protecting you- he shouldn't have to, I should've treated you better." He muttered angrily. "What are we going to do?" I asked. He looked at me- his messy, blonde hair everywhere. "I don't know." He said hopelessly. "Well it's getting late.." I trailed off- I'd been crashing on the sofa. "You can take the bed. I think I'm gonna go for a drive-clear my head and I'll crash in Martinez' bunks- they aren't here tonight." He said standing up. I nodded. He was about to walk out the bedroom. "Drive safe." I said as my eyes burned with tears. He looked over his shoulder. "Will do." He replied. 

I had a hot shower, before going to bed. Jake's side of the bed smelt strongly of his cologne, I started crying. I really don't want this to end, I don't want to lose him- he means everything to me. I put on some sweatpants and a jumper. There was a picture frame on my side of the bed; it had a picture from when we first met after a 6 month LDR. He had his arms wrapped around my waist, my arms were around his necks and our lips were locked. I can remember the day crystal clear...


I topped up my makeup on the flight, I was so excited. After 6 grueling months, I was gonna meet Jake. We have Facetimed nearly everyday for what feels like a lifetime. I was wearing leggings and a bralette. We landed and I was slightly nervous. I took a few deep breaths and went to baggage collection. I was picturing all the videos I'd spent days watching 'LDR meet for the first time'. I walked through and saw him. I let go of my suitcase and I ran into his arms. He picked me up and I started to cry- he was strong, he smelt amazing and he was more gorgeous than he was over FaceTime. "It is so good to finally hold you baby girl." He said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and Kade (who I'd met online) pulled his camera out. Our lips locked and the airport filled with cheers as Kade's camera clicked a few times. Jake wiped the tears away. 


It brought back 2 and half years of incredible memories, I knew I didn't want to lose this. I snuggled down to sleep, I tossed and turned for hours- something in my stomach was stopping me from falling asleep. I grabbed my phone and laptop and crept downstairs. It was 2.46 am, Jake was just coming in. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy. I froze. "I love you." He said as a few tears dripped off his chin. "I love you too." I said quietly.

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