Jake Paul- Goodbye

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Jake wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. I was shaking with fear; "Jake I was so worried." I said crying. He put his hands on the sides of my head and kissed my forehead forcefully. "I know baby."


I put the kettle on and made me, Mum and Dad all a coffee- we needed it. None of us had slept, our family dog Buster was put down yesterday- it was horrific. We were sipping our drinks and made small conversation. It was awkward, yet horrific. I felt sick as Dad switched the TV on- nothing was distracting my mind. Jake was out with Logan and Logan was gonna drop him here to stay the night in an hour or so. 

An hour and a half passed, and Jake still wasn't here. I'd texted him a couple times, but he hadn't replied, I'd also texted Logan, but no reply. I was tidying my room when Jake's name and picture lit up my phone. I answered. "Hey babe." I said sitting on my bed. "Is this Y/N?" An unfamiliar voice asked, it wasn't Jake's or Logan's. "Yes who's asking?" I frowned. "This is Dr.Riveria, I'm calling from the Cleveland Clinic?" I instantly panicked, and slipped a jacket and ankle boots on. "What's happened? Is he okay?" I said scooping up my car keys. "Yes don't panic, Jake is fine- he asked me to call you as he's at the OR with Logan." She said. "What happened?" I asked getting into my car and connecting the call to my Bluetooth. "I'll explain more when you get here, but they were in a car accident." She said.


We sat down in the waiting area and Dr.Riveria came over. Jake and I both stood up and I held his hand tightly. "Logan is still in the OR, he has lost quite a lot of blood and the surgeons are concerned with his neck injuries and a possible bleed on the brain." She said. "How much longer Doc?" I asked. "I'll go double check, but I think another 20 minutes, then you can quickly see him, before his CT scans." She smiled. We sat back down and I teared up. "This is my fault, I told you to come to mine- you wouldn't have been in the car if it weren't for me." I sighed, Jake didn't answer, he fell to the floor and started seizing. "HELP." I screamed, Dr.Riveria, another male doctor and 3 nurses came running in. "GET A BED, LET'S GET HIM TO TRAUMA 2." A male nurse pulled me away and hugged me. I was a sobbing wreck- Jake was being sorted and the 2 surgeons came down to find me. "Logan's in recovery, he's awake. We'll give you a little time with him, before he goes to CT." They walked me up and Logan was propped up- his messy blonde locks still had blood in from the gash on his head. I went in. "Y/N." He sighed in relief, I stood next to him and held his hand. "Where's Jake is he okay?" He asked panicked. "He was fine, then he had a seizure they're running some tests on him now." I said tearfully. "A seizure? Aren't they caused by a brain bleed?" He said his eyes filling with tears. Dr.Riveria came in. "How is he?" I asked, Logan squeezed my hand and looked at me. "We think there's quite a serious brain bleed, which has caused him to spike a temperature. We can't operate if he's got a temp, so we are trying to bring that down now." She said. The 2 surgeons came back in. "You ready?" They asked, I kissed Logan on the cheek. "I'm gonna go check on Jake. I'll come back, when you're done k?" I said, he nodded. "Tell him I love him." He said tearfully.

I walked down the hall, to Jake. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked very, very ill all of a sudden. I went in and sat next to him. I updated him on Logan. "He told me to say he loved you." I said, Jake laughed. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he started seizing again, it was horrific.

Hours passed and Jake was now in critical condition, he was rushed down to the OR- despite the many risks of operating on the brain, whilst having a fever. Logan was okay and was given some pain meds, but asked to stay overnight. We tried to play a card game, chat, edit videos, but the only thing on our minds was Jake. Another few hours passed, and I was losing hope. We were tol to go to the OR, one of the Nurses helped Logan into a wheelchair and pushed him up to the OR. One of the surgeons was pumping oxygen into Jake and the other was stood outside the room, waiting for us. "What's going on? Why aren't you in there?" Logan blurted. "I'm very sorry, everything we tried- he's just too sick." He sighed.

Goodbye Jake. You were the most amazing business man, brother and person I know. You lit up my world from the moment I met you. Although we didn't get to get married or start a family, you'll be in my heart forever, because I love you Jakey x

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