Jake Paul- Her..Amanda (Requested)

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Amanda and Jake had been very, very touchy recently and it wasn't sitting well with me. I'd been giving him the silent treatment for 4 days already.

I was editing and he came in. "Are you going to talk to me yet?" He sighed in despair. I didn't reply. "Please baby just tell me what's wrong?" He begged, sitting next to me. He tried to kiss me, but I swerved and dodged it. "Fuck sake Y/N. I'm going to film some skits with Amanda, I'll be back later." Just her name leaving his mouth turned my stomach. I didn't reply again and he stormed out. I broke down into floods of tears.

Finally, I calmed down and I had a shower. I got ready and had a notification from Instagram. 'Jake Paul posted after a while, check it out!' I unlocked it and my heart sank.

@jakepaul - chillin' with ma day one @amandacerny 😁🙌🏼

@jakepaul - chillin' with ma day one @amandacerny 😁🙌🏼

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I nearly cried, the door clicked and Jake came in. Quickly, I wiped them away. "Please just talk to me." He said, putting his backpack on the ground. I just broke down. He wrapped his arms around me. "You and Amanda you seem really close, and touchy." I mumbled. He looked hurt, yet so guilty.  "Amanda and I are just friends and have been for like 3 years gorgeous." He said wiping my tears with his thumb. "I was too scared to tell you, in case you got angry or didn't love me anymore." I said sadly. "I can never stay angry at you okay? And I love you forever and ever baby." He said pulling me into a hug. "I love you too babe." I whispered.

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