Justin Roberts- Secrets

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I walked down the hallway, pushing my hair behind my shoulders and puckering up my lips. She burst out laughing and so did everyone else in the hallway.

Since birth, I knew I was Queen. Aha joking! I became best friends with Miss.Popular, Lauren Edwards when I transferred. She moved to a different town and I stepped into her post.

"So the party tonight you going?" My boyfriend Justin asked. "Bearing in mind it's your party yes babe." I said, applying another coat of mascara. I closed my locker and he leant up against it. "I'll see you later then? You catching a ride with your brother?" He asked, rubbing his hands on my hips. "Yeah, I need to get ready at mine, I think Rocky's coming over tonight, I'm pretty sure he drove her to school this morning. She did something to her hip I dunno." I said, rubbing his neck with my hands. "Okay, I'll wait for you after Chemistry, we can bunk 6th." He said his eyes lighting up. "I wish I could baby." I said kissing him. "Fine. I'll see you tonight." He said, he kissed me and walked away with the boys. I turned to face my girls. "Tonight I need to be looking my best- after school first one to find my dress can be my plus one." I said to Molly, Amanda, Millie, Ellie and Lola. They all nodded. My bestfriend Rocky came down the hallways with her boyfriend (my brother) Anthony next to her. Along with Jake, Chance and Tessa. "Yoooo." Jake shouted, I waved as they came over. The girls scurried away. "You lot going to Justin's tonight?" I asked. "We wouldn't miss a fucking party." Rocky said inbetween attempting to unlock her locker, whilst still holding Anthony's hand. I did and she nodded a thanks. "Yeah, I was planning on going." Jake said flirtatiously. "Were you?" I teased sarcastically. There's always been a little spark with Jake, but it would never work. He's a bit of a ladies man. Everyone drools over him. He pouted jokingly and grabbed me, hugging me tightly. "Jakeee...." I laughed nearly suffocating. "Do you wanna lift?" My brother asked. "Yes please Toner." I said. "So it's you, me and Rocky tonight. Mum and Dad are on that business trip." He said. "Okay." I nodded.

After 3 hours of getting ready I had my look; curled hair, a black bralette and skort two piece found by my plus one (Amanda), a pair of black heels, I had tanned and was looking bronzer. I had a sparkly, gold and pink cut crease and a matte, nude lip. I was loving it. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. Rocky and Anthony were ready. "You got a key?" I asked. "Yep." He said. He wasn't drinking, because we were driving. Jake and Chance came walking up to the door.

We got to the party and I found Justin....kissing another girl. He turned to look at me- a smirk forming on his lips. "Secrets are best kept by me." He said. I felt my heart break into a million pieces as I ran away...far away from him.

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