Nathan Speiser- Oh Hi

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I was ready to head out to the event. "Babe are you ready?" He called from the front door. "Yep coming." I said adjusting my hair. "Y/ you looking hawt." He smirked. "Jack my baby you look hawt." I said taking the piss a little. We kissed and headed to the Uber. We arrived and the night was going so well until I heard a familiar voice. "Jake Paulers you'll never guess who I found!" I turned around to be greeted by Jake. "Y/NNNNNN." He said enlongating it as he turned the camera around. I smiled and waved. "Hey Jake Paulers."

I had dated Nathan Speiser for 3 and half years and he worked for Team 10- hence how I met Jake etc etc. We broke up 6 months ago and since then I've fallen in love with a beautiful guy from back home called Jack. He moved to L.A to stop our relationship being long distance.

Jake switched the camera off as all of Team Ten piled over. I greeted them all and then Nathan came over. We awkwardly hugged. "This is my boyfriend Jack, babe this is Team Ten." I said introducing them. Nathan squirmed around a little. "Oh hi." He said shaking Jack's hand. We all socialised a little and then they all flails disappeared. I was chatting with Emily Canham- she was a lovely girl, then I noticed Jack had gone. "Excuse me one second." I said slipping away. I searched for him and couldn't find him. I went outside and could hear Kade shouting. I ran over- or attempted to run in my heels. Nathan and Jack were fighting. Jack's lip was bleeding. "STOP." I screamed as they both stumbled away. I went over. "What the hell has happened?" I asked. I checked Jack was okay. "I'll meet you at home seems you've got some clearing up to do." He muttered- wiping the blood on the back of his hand. He walked off and I was left shocked. Jake explained everything. I sat down next to Nathan. "Why would you do that?" I asked angrily. "Do what?" He muttered poking at his black eye tenderly. "Why would you try and ruin my chances of moving on?" I spat. "Because I fucking love you and I have done since we met. I'm just jealous." He shrugged.

Nathan and I didn't speak again for 3 years after that. I got engaged to Jack and ended up splitting with him. I joined Team Ten and got back with Nathan. Everything settled nicely.

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