Chad Tepper- I'm Sorry

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His beautiful smile instantly dropped as he realized what I'd said. "Really?" He asked softly, his emotions danced through his body and his arm reached out to hold my hand. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I can't be here ." I whispered, he pulled me into him and kissed my forehead. His arms wrapped around me and for a second I regretted the decision, until I realized I was doing the right thing- for me. 

Team 10 has changed my life forever, it's flipped my world upside down. In some ways, it's negative, but overall I have everything I do now, because of Team 10 and Jake.

But, I need a break. I'm not sure for how long, so I've packed the majority of my stuff, aside general bedroom things. I have 2 suitcases and a carry on, I'm flying home to London, and I genuinely can't wait. My break is in light of the hate pouring in after the Martinez Twins leaving, my split with Justin and general stress and hate.

I'm very nervous for what this break could hold for me, especially as Chad just poured his heart out to me saying he had feelings for me. Justin broke up with me about 8 months ago, and he's actually moved on with another girl now, so I don't know what to do.

I just feel like it's okay not to be okay and to be able to admit I need a break from everything in L.A including my social medias. I've written this post on my YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.

In light of numerous recent events, I'm taking a break. From L.A, my YouTube and all social media platforms; and going home to Ohio. I'm not sure for how long this will be, but right now my priority is myself and making sure I'm okay. Thank-you all for your continued support, I love you all.

Mwahhh x


I took my suitcases and bag downstairs and started saying my goodbye. "Please promise me you'll keep me posted." Jake said, holding my hands. I nodded. "I promise." I went over to Chad and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry I'm leaving, but I promise I'll text you, we can work this out when I'm home." I whispered. He nodded. "Stay safe, don't forget we all love you." Anthony said, I got a little emotional as we all piled outside, I said one last goodbye, before climbing into the Uber...having know idea what the future holds.

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