Kade Speiser- Sleepy Boy

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I watched Kade lay him down in his cot. "Goodnight sleepy boy." I whispered kissing his cheek. Kade wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my temple. Ollie was snoring lightly within seconds. We went back downstairs and ordered pizza. It was gonna be an hour wait, so I tidied around the house. Kade was ending his vlog, so I started on Ollie's next couple of bottles.

We are and ended up cuddling on the sofa. Kade had his arms wrapped around my waist and I was resting my head on his chest. My eyelids became heavy. "Kadeeee." I moaned shutting them for a second. "Yes babe?" He replied playing with my hair. "I wanna go to bed." I said sticking my bottom lip out. He scooped me up in bridal style and carried me upstairs. I brushed my teeth and checked on Ollie, before getting into bed.

I was woke up the next morning by Kade being sick. Ollie was still asleep, so I crept into our en suite. He was hanging over the toilet groaning in immense amounts of pain. I went downstairs and got him a glass of fresh, crisp water. I sat behind him and rubbed his back as he continued to throw up. Kade had been unwell recently and very, very sleep deprived. I grabbed my phone and text Jake. 'Hey Paul, Kade can't stop throwing up and Ollie had a rough night. We won't be over today;- Y/N x' I fed Ollie and put him back to sleep, I helped Kade to our bed and I rubbed his stomach gently. I gave him some Asprin and he fell asleep, his head on my lap and his hands holding onto mine. I put on Fast & Furious 8 (a/n my fav film series btw!) on quietly in the background as he dozed. Ollie woke up again around nine. I lifted Kade off my lap and placed it gently on his pillow. I scooped Ollie up and he started gargling at me. I took him downstairs and let him play, whilst I started the vlog. "So Kade is in bed, because he's super sick. So it's just me and Oll today." I beamed at the camera. He started trying really hard to talk, so I flipped the camera to face him. "Hey Olliboo." I said pinching his cheeks. I put the camera down and played with him. He was getting hungry and tired by 12, so I fed him again & put him down for a nap. I took the baby monitor downstairs and pottered around, before going to check on Kade. He was just waking up. "Hey beautiful." I said soothingly, rubbing his shoulders. He melted into me. "Mmmm." He mumbled into my neck. I kissed the top of his head and ran my hands through his messy locks. "Are you my sleepy boy now?" I murmured. He half smiled, before groaning in pain. "I just want to feel better already." He moaned. I kissed his forehead gently.

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