Ivan Martinez- The Best Christmas Present

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Christmas is 1000% my favorite time of the year, although this year will be a little hard.

I've been dating Ivan Martinez for 3 years in a LDR- he lives in L.A with Team 10 (some of my best friends). Every Christmas we save up all our money and we fly to each other, this year my money is very tight ,and with Ivan and Emilio's Visa issues the past few months, they can't spare the cash- it's saved for an emergency flight to Spain. I haven't seen Ivan since September, now it's December 23rd and I won't see him until my birthday on June 28th. We will have gone 9 months without seeing each other and it hurts more than I can explain.

It's Christmas eve, eve, so my family is travelling to our end this year. Me, my Mum, my Dad and my older brother Jordan were spending the day preparing. We live in a 6 bedroom house, so we have my Aunt and Uncle coming as well as my cousin and his girlfriend. Then, on Boxing Day we travel to New Orleans to see my Dad's side. My Mum's parents passed away when she was fairly young in a car accident, so they won't be here. Their flight from New York lands at 4 pm, so we have most of the day to prepare. I set out their presents under the tree, singing along to Christmas music. My brother sat down and helped me sort out Mum and Dad's present's, whilst they popped to the shops for some last minute bits. "How do you do it?" He asked, passing me another gift. "Do what?" I frowned. "Go so long without seeing Ivan, I can barely go a couple hours without seeing Amelia." He replied. I got a little teared up. "It's hard, but it makes the time we spend together so special.


Our family has a tradition- we all open 1 present on Christmas Eve. I sat down next to my cousin (Jack) and his girlfriend (Lillie). Dad, my Uncle Jason and my brother carried a large box in and placed it in front of me. "You first." Mum grinned, everyone stood around the box. I went to lift the flaps up and the box flew open. It was Ivan. "OH MY GOD." I screamed as I burst into tears. "What the hell?" I sobbed, pulling him out of the box, I held him so tightly. "Hey baby girl." He whispered in my ear. I looked into his blue eyes as I continued to cry. He rubbed my back. "Surprise." He laughed. "This is the best Christmas present ever." I said kissing him. He greeted all of my family and I smiled at myself. 

A/N: AHHHAAAAAAA first Christmas Imagine! Sorry it's 3 days late...buttttt happy bonfire night if you're from the UK. Love you all, mwah x

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