Kade Speiser- My Brave Boy

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My heart was pounding. My stomach turning- as fear filled my bones. I felt sick as I pulled up at the hospital. I had no clue what was going on it was 11.48 at night, I had a call from a Nurse- I'm Kade's emergency contact, so I am first to call under any emergency circumstance.

I raced into the E.R and to the reception desk. "I was rung about 10 minutes ago, told my boyfriend was coming in an ambulance..." He scanned over some notes. "Y/N? Mr.Speiser's partner?" He asked. I nodded nervously. "You may want to sit down for this." He took me into a room with a female doctor and another male doctor. "I'm Dr.Alexander, this is Dr.Branch." The female spoke. "You can't see your boyfriend right now as he's in the OR.." I felt sick all throughout her talking. "He has a bleed on the brain from the car accident."

I left the room and rung Nathan who rung their parents and I also rang Jake. Nathan came into the waiting room and I hugged him tightly. "Mum and Dad are getting a flight." He said, his eyes were pure fright. He sat next to me and I held his hand. "Jake is on his way." I said tearfully. Jake came and I ran into my brother's arms. Finally, after 4 and a half hours of waiting, Kade was out of surgery. He was still asleep from the anesthetic, so Dr.Branch explained what had happened. "So he had a much larger bleed on his brain then we had imagined. We have stopped the bleeding, and we aren't 100% sure of the extent of the damage. He could have some vision problems, memory loss, loss of movement. We'll see when he wakes up. We currently have him sedated, so we can take him for another CT and a few other tests in about an hour. He can hear you and talking to him will help him recover quicker. I'll let you have some time alone." He closed the curtain and I felt my bottom lip tremble as warm tears filled my eyes. They left to get coffee's and it was just me and Kade. I felt sick, he was sleeping, his chest slowly moving up and down as tubes ran in and out of his body. Machines beeped repeatedly. "You're my brave boy Kade." I whispered soothingly, storming his hair. I kissed him softly on the side of his head.

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