Emilio Martinez- Space Between

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A/N: This is inspired by the song from the new Disney film 'Descendants 2', this is my fave song at the moment. Listen while you read!

6000 miles.

9656.06 km.

From Barcelona to L.A.

That's how far away Emilio is moved.

That's the reason he dumped me; or so he says.

He said he didn't want a LDR, because he didn't wanna see me sad.

But, I know it's an excuse.

I know he cheated.

I know he slept with her, but I was more concerned on saying goodbye than I didn't mention it.

Just 2 hours before he dumped me- a girl text me saying she'd slept with him.

My Emilio.

She slept with my Emilio.

How dare she.

How fucking dare she.

Now, I'm heartbroken and lonely.

He's so far away that I can't even fix things, because of time difference.

I have lost everything and more.

But, if he wants me- I'll be there, because I always am.

In the space between Barcelona and L.A my love for him won't stop.

Because, no matter what I love Emilio.

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