Chance Sutton- Pregnancy

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His eyes went wide like saucers and his skin went pale. "P-p-regnant?" He stuttered, I nodded and handed him the baby scan. "I know it wasn't part of the plan, but.." He cut me off. "YOU'RE PREGNANT." He shouted, he ran over to me and hugged me, before kissing me passionately. He bent down to my stomach and kissed it. "Hey little baby." He whispered.


"Chance..." I called, he came running into the lounge. "Yep..." He panted. "I need help getting up." I laughed, he came over and had one arm under my armpit. He helped me up, before kissing me. He rubbed his hands on my huge bump. "We're ready for you...." He said, kissing my stomach. I looked at him and bit my lip. "What?" He asked, rubbing my hips. "You're going to be an amazing Dad." I said softly. He blushed. "You're going to be an amazing Mum."

I was very uncomfortable that night, I had a sudden pain in my lower stomach and yelped. Chance dropped his work and raced over, he helped me up and all of a sudden my waters broke. He looked at me in shock. "It's happening." He beamed. I had a contraction and held onto him. It passed, and he got the hospital bag. We told our families and I spoke to my midwife on the phone. "Wait for your contractions to get stronger, every 4-5 minutes for about an hour." She said. 

Before I knew it, we were in the car. I had made it to the car, but I sat down and had a massive contraction. "CHANCEEEEEE." I screamed, gripping his hand.

We made it to the hospital and I was given a room straight away, I was 9cm dialated. My Mum was stood next to me and Chance's Mum was sat across the room. The midwife came in to check me again. She grinned. "It's happening." I grabbed the gas and air from my Mum as another contraction came. "Y/N I'm going to need you to push, right down from the bottom as hard as you again." She said, Chance held my hand and pushed my hair back. "You've got this." He said, kissing my head. I used all of my might to push down. 

4 more pushes later and I was exhausted. "I can't do it anymore Chance, I'm so tired." I sobbed. He kissed me softly. "Our baby is seconds away from arriving, you can do this babe." He said. "One more push Y/N, one more really hard push." Chance's Mum said, kissing my forehead. With all the support I needed, I pushed. A little baby scream filled the room and I burst into tears. "It's a boy." The midwife announced, he was passed to me and I looked up at Chance. "Jake Anthony Sutton." We whispered in sync.

The next day, everyone from Team 10 came to visit. Jake and Anthony came in first. "What's his name?" Jake asked, rocking him slowly. I looked at Chance, who was tearing up. "Jake Anthony Sutton." Both the boys teared up. "Bro you're joking?" Anthony asked, in a quiet whisper, holding the baby's hand. "No I'm not." They had a little 'moment' and I snapped a picture.

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