Chance Sutton- Insane

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A/N: Since you all enjoyed the style of my last Kade chapter, I thought I'd do the next 3 chapters this way. A part two, for the Kade chapter will be up soon. Love you all xx

Alex is beautiful, but there's something off about her.

She's not been around long and she's already acting up to the cameras.

I don't think she's good for Chance.

I am.

I have loved Chance since day one, when we met 12 years ago in Ohio.

All through high school, even though I fell for other guys, Chance was always my No.1.

'Mrs Y/N Sutton' 'C.S' 'Chance' was doodled all over my books throughout my teenage years.

He never noticed, he compares me to a little sister; I wish he'd look at me in a sexy, hot way rather than a cute way.

Him and Alex seem so perfect that it actually kills me inside.

It's driving me insane.

I am 100% me on and off camera.

I care about him.

I want to help him 24/7.

I've seen him in his best and worst times.

It's always been me, him, Jake and Tony.

Never Alex.

She's not even in Team 10- she'll never understand what Chance does or goes through.

She's like a green bag to a neon yellow miniskirt.



I am the silver accessory to the outfit.

I am better than her.

I just wish he'd see that.

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