Anthony Trujillo- It's Over

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Tears bounced off my cheeks, he looked me sadly. "Don't say it's over." He whispered, I stood up. My entire body shaking with fear and my stomach flipping. "I don't want it to be." I whispered back. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I stood on my tiptoes- my arms tightly around his neck. He kissed my cheek softly. "Do you have to go?" I sobbed. He tucked my hair behind my ears. He looked gorgeous, but it wasn't changing how I felt. "I'm sorry beautiful." He whispered, resting his head against mine. "I love you." He said, rubbing his thumb across my hands. "I love you too." I cried. He wiped my eyes and ran his fingers through my hair. "I'll come back, I promise." He whispered. Our bodies were so close, but our souls so far away from one another. He got his suitcase and slipped his hand into mine. He said goodbye to everyone and then hugged me one last time. "Good luck." I said softly, breathing in his scent for a couple more seconds. He kissed me several times, before kissing my ring finger. "Next time I'll see you, I'll put a ring on it." He chuckled. "You're joking right?" I giggled. "Never." He kissed me again and we all waved him off.

Jake wrapped his strong arms around me. "He'll be back. I know Tony."

Anthony was going to Iraq with a charity who gives sports supplies to young children. I was so super proud of him. But, Iraq is a war zone and I was also very, very worried he wouldn't return how he left.


I waited in the airport with Jake and Chance as well as Nathan and Kade who were filming for us. My hands were shaking and clammy. My knees were weak. He came round the corner and I literally sprinted into his arms. "Hey baby girl." He whispered as I burst into tears. "I missed you babe." I sobbed. He kissed me on the lips softly. "I've missed you too." He replied, letting his hands trail down my body- tracing every curve.

We laid in bed and he was so excited to tell me everything. We'd had limited contact whilst he was away. "They were so smart, they were kind and beautiful. Each and every one of them had a talent..." He said excitedly. His eyes lit up. "I wish you could've seen Y/N, it was magical." He said, kissing my hands. He looked at my ring finger, before sliding out of the bed. He drew a small, velvet, black box from my bedside drawer. He opened it and a gorgeous ring dazzled in the dim light. "Will you marry me?" He smirked. I nodded as tears choked me. He slid it on and kissed me passionately. "I promised that the next time I saw you I'd put a ring on it." He smiled happily. "I fucking love you." I sighed in awe. "I fucking love you too." He replied.

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