Chad Tepper- Nerdy

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"He'll ruin your reputation." Jake laughed, I hit him on the arm. "Don't be a jealous ex Jakey." I said stroking his cheek, he swatted me away and pouted. "Just because you like to inflate your popularity and reputation 24/7 I don't." I snapped. I walked over to Chad, who's face was in his locker. "Hey baby." I said rubbing his arm, he jumped back, his glasses slipped down and he pushed them back up. "H-hi." He blushed. "Are you still coming over tonight?" He asked shyly. "Yeah of course. I've got to go and do something with Jake, he's going to drop me at yours on the way home." I smiled, his face dropped. "What Chad?" He slammed his locker shut. "You're always with Jake." He huffed, as his eyes filled with tears. "Jake's my best-friend baby boy and always has been. Nothing more..." I said holding his hand, he gripped me tightly as we walked to the canteen. "And your ex boyfriend." He mumbled. "Chad...I love you. Not Jake." I said reassuringly. He smiled. "I love you too, but you sure you don't l-love J-Jake?" He asked. "Yes I'm sure." I said, I kissed his cheek as we went into the canteen.

"I'm telling you..." Jake huffed, as we drove down the road. "Jake stop..." "I'm still in love with you." He said. I felt my heart fly to my mouth. "What?" I snapped. "Sorry." He said gripping the steering wheel tighter as his eyes filled with tears. "You're still in..." He cut me off. "I didn't mean it, it slipped out." He said as we pulled up at Chad's house. "I'm sorry." He said. He turned the engine off. "Jake... You can't drop a bomb like that and then leave."

Jake and I broke up about 6 months ago, after 2 years together. I've been with Chad for 3 months now.

"I'm telling you I didn't mean it okay?" He whispered. I got my bag. "Thanks for the lift." I slammed the door and walked to Chad's front door, my hand hovered over the knocker. I turned back and looked at Jake- he shook his head and drove away as I knocked. The door opened. "Hello sweetie." Chad's Mum embraced me. "Hey." I smiled. Chad came over. "Hey be-autiful." He stuttered, his Mum closed the door as I hugged Chad. He pecked me on the lips. "We're going upstairs Mum." Chad said, grabbing my hand and nearly pulling my arm off.

We got into his room and I felt guilty about not telling him what Jake said. "Chad...I need to tell you something..." I trailed off as he sat next to me. "W-whats wrong?" He stuttered. "Jake told me he still loved me." His eyes filled with tears and he took his glasses off. "He...what?" He whispered. "Chad I told him I loved you." I said also tearing up. "My Mum told me if it complicated with Jake to dump you." He said, tears rolling down his cheeks. "No Chad don't do this." I said holding his hands. He pulled away. "Chad really really really likes Y/N, she's beautiful and funny. But, I don't think Y/N likes Chad the same as she liked Jake." He mumbled. "Chad, I love you." I said grabbing his face and kissing him. He pulled away. "I'm really sorry." He whispered. "It's over." He said, tears poured down both of our faces. "You didn't need to do this Chad." I said grabbing my bag. I raced downstairs. "Off already?" His Mum chirped. "Sorry Mrs Tepper, Chad just dumped me." I sobbed, I ran out the door and ran for what seemed like forever. I ran and ran until I was nearly home.

I pulled out my phone and I had 3 texts from Jake and 2 from Logan. 'I'm sorry, just know that no matter what happens with you and Chad I love you unconditionally.- Jake.' 'You're under no pressure to tell Chad, or break up with Chad. I'm happy that you're happy.- Jake.' 'You are the most beautiful girl I know, keep smiling it suits you.- Jake.' I quickly replied. 'Super cute Jake, but I told Chad and he dumped me. Maybe good guys aren't always good?- Y/N.' I opened Logan's text. 'Brooooo Jake's head is fucked Y/N! He is so in love with you. Get home safe sis!' Logan still calls me his sister, even though Jake and I broke up.

I got home and told my parents. "Oh sweetie." She said pulling me into a hug. "Mum I'm fine honestly, I've cried the whole way home. My eyes are dry." I laughed, she kissed my forehead. "Goodnight sweet pea." She called as I went upstairs. "Goodnight Mum." I called back. I took my makeup off and showered. Jake had replied. 'Woah. He's missing out you're amazing.'

The next day at school, I saw Chad. He came over. "H-h-ello." He stuttered. "Hi." I muttered, he grabbed my hand. "I hope I didn't..." I pulled back and walked away. I went over to Jake, Anthony and Chance. "Someone said you were throwing me a party?" I laughed to Jake, he smiled. "Hm yes I heard."


She pulled away and ran over to Jake, Chance and Anthony. "Bitch." I muttered, she was laughing and joking with them. I shut my locker and went round the corner. I saw him. "Did it work?" He hissed. I shook my head. "He's got her around his little finger, we need to try harder." I said angrily. "Fine, we'll get Jake drunk and he'll cheat on her it's inevitable." He shrugged. I saw her coming towards us with Chance. "Fine." I mumbled, walking away with my head down.

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