Jake Paul- One Too Many

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A/N; In this imagine I'm using the song 'Jerika', but changing 'Jerika' to 'y/a/n (your ship name')! x

I had just had the most explosive row with Jake 5 mins before we were about to go on stage. I fixed my smudged makeup and grabbed my Team Ten bomber jacket. Tonight it was just me, Jake and Kade doing a quick hour performance after the meet and greet from earlier. I rested the Team Ten bomber half on/ half off my arms. The track started and we ran on stage. "Used to call you Mum, but now I call you wifey. There's no death row, but I'm doing it for lifey." He rapped, I held back the tears, I didn't want to let the fans down. Kade gave me a look. 'You're fine' Anthony mouthed from backstage 'save it for after' Tessa mouthed. "Something just feels right, when we're together...I think I wanna stay here with you for-forever for-forever for ever and ever..." I pushed through the song and at the end we had to kiss. I tried to hard not to cry. He pulled away and started on the Q&A. I spun my rings around my fingers nervously praying I could hold the tears back.

It finished and I ran off stage, tears racing down my cheeks. I threw my mic at Chance and ran out. I went into the dressing room and tried to catch my breath- Erika and my brother Anthony came running in. "Hey you're okay." Erika said holding me. Anthony stroked my back in circular motions. "Y/N breathe." He said. I took a couple of deep breaths and was calm. Jake and everyone else burst in. Jake was vlogging. "It's everyday bro peace." He looked at me and put the camera away. His eyes filled with tears. I grabbed my stuff and walked with Anthony down to the truck. He shielded me from paparazzi and everyone piled out behind us. I helped load the merch into the back, before climbing into the front seat next to Jake. It was awkward silence the whole way home, except from the odd comment from Justin.

We pulled up and I jumped out the car, before it had even stopped. I locked myself in mine and Jake's room and sobbed.


"Jake can you hurry up stop filming." I sighed as he passed the camera to Nathan and another to Landon. "I need it for the vlog babe." He said running off to get changed. We had our call and Jake still wasn't ready, so I topped up the curls. "Your moaning at me, yet your doing your fucking hair." He snapped coming over to me. I unplugged the curlers. "Don't Jake. Not in front of everyone." I hissed. He grabbed me and instantly regretted it, dropping my wrist harshly. "We need to get to stage." Nick said urgently. Anthony was tensed up at Jake hurting me. I went to walk to Anthony and Jake followed. I just held Anthony's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Are you really wearing that on stage?" He spat. "Jake bro..." Anthony said. "Leave it Toner." I said moving away from Jake. "Y/N don't ignore me it's fucking rude." He growled. "Jake cut it out." I said tearing up. "Cut what out? You're the one dressed like a hooker." A tear escaped my eyes and a sob escaped my lips. His eyes also filled with tears, but he didn't apologise he just walked away. I fixed my smudged makeup and headed to the stage.


Jake was hammering on the door, eventually he just got the master key and unlocked it. "Babe I'm sorry." He said softly, his voice cracked as tears flooded his eyes. "I don't want to talk to you." I said wiping my eyes. I tried to walk past, but he grabbed me gently and pulled me towards him. I was sobbing, trying so hard to fight against him. "I didn't mean it I promise. You're beautiful." He said, I finally tore away and I looked at him. "Y/N if you walk out now..." He started. "What will you do Jake? Kick me out of Team 10? Break up with me?" I questioned. "If you walk out now, I don't think we can fix it." He said, tears racing down his cheek. I stopped in the doorway, Anthony was in front of me, Jake a couple metres behind. Anthony whispered; "If you walk out it's done. No turning back." I gulped nervously, before turning to face Jake...

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