Anthony Trujillo- I Wanna Try Again

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I bumped into Anthony again in the hallway, I nearly cried. He has a new girlfriend now, she's beautiful- her name is Molly. She goes to our school, but I don't really know her. I still love Anthony. We had an awkward, friendly hug and he asked how I was doing, but he wouldn't make eye contact or look at me full stop. I'm still not over our 2 year relationship, 8 months later...I can't stop thinking about him.


I bumped into her in the hallway today, she was holding back tears. She knows I have a new girlfriend- Molly, but I know Molly's only with me, because of my popularity status. They don't know each other, so they don't really speak the occasional 'hello' in the hallway if they see each other. I hugged her, because I forgot how it felt. But, it ended up lasting a little too long and she had to pull away. I still love her with every ounce of me, of course I do. 2 years with a beautiful girl does that to you, but 8 months later and I still can't get over her. I can't stop thinking about her...


I walked down the hallway with Jake, my bestfriend and Chance my other boy bestfriend. We were in deep conversation, when I heard my name being called. I looked over my shoulder and Molly was scurrying towards us. "Y/N!" She squealed, pulling me into a hug. I awkwardly hugged back. "Molly!" I laughed. Jake and Chance stood each side of me. "Jake, Chance." She smiled. They both smiled back. She had a pile of leaflets in her hand. "You guys are all invited to Anthony and I's Halloween party!" She squealed, shoving them in our hands. "Awe thanks Molly." I said awkwardly. Anthony came down the hallway towards us. Everyone sort of froze and gawped at us. He fist bumped the boys. "You alright?" He asked looking at my feet. "Yeah." I mumbled. "Hey babe." He said kissing her, I felt my heart shatter a little more and shivers race down my spine. "Hey Tone, I was just handing out our party invitations." She said running her hand down his neck. I was wishing the ground would just swallow me up, despite my popularity I hate situations where I'm being watched. Jake clocked me. "Yo we've got to go. Catch you later." He said fist bumping Tony. "Chance let's bounce." Anthony said. We all split and I slid the invitation into my bag.

I got home and I put my bag on the kitchen side. I took out my lunch pot and my water bottle. I took my bag upstairs and blasted some music through my headphones. "Y/N." A muffled voice shouted. I took my headphones out as my Mum opened my door. She had a leaflet in her hand. "Are you going?" She asked, holding the invitation up. I felt my eyes fill with tears. "Why are you going through my bag?" I said snatching it away. I put it on my desk. "It was on the kitchen floor and I'm worried about you Y/N okay?" She said sadly, pulling me into a hug. "Mum honestly I'm okay, and yes I'm going with Jake and anthony. As well as Lola and Holly." I said. She nodded and softly kissed my forehead. "As long as you're sure Y/N. It could cause you a whole world of pain."


I was nearly ready for the party, I finished off my makeup and got changed. I was going as a sexy Minnie Mouse. I put my heels on and applied a red lip. I packed my clutch and headed downstairs. Jake and Chance were already waiting in the kitchen. "Wow." My Mum grinned. "Come on we're gonna be late." I said grabbing the boys hands.

We arrived and Chance slipped his hand into mine. "You're gonna walk in their and steal the party k?" He said. Jake held my other hand. "Let's do this." Jake shouted.

We went in and I saw Molly. I felt my knees go a little weak as Anthony came round the corner. They were a couple costume- skeletons. Molly was in fishnet tights and a bodysuit, with perfect makeup. Anthony was wearing a ripped black top, ripped black jeans and his makeup was like Molly's. "Ah Tony they're here." Molly squeaked, pulling me into a hug. Tony greeted the boys and then we awkwardly hugged. "You alright?" He asked. I nodded. "Yep."

The party was actually so good, I went outside to smoke with Jake. Something we only do when we're drinking, so don't shoot us! I put one into my mouth and he lit it. I took a long puff. "It's nearly midnight, we should head back soon." He said. "Hm yeah." I said tapping the ash away. Anthony came over. "Jake can I talk to Y/N." He said. I pushed my Minnie Mouse ears back on my curled hair and Jake kissed my cheek. "I'll be over here k?" He whispered. I nodded. "So what do you want to say?" I asked, taking another puff of my cigarette. "I wanted to apologise for the way I've treated you." He said. "Okay, but I feel it's a little too late." I said. Molly came running out, tears pouring down her face. "You'll regret this Trujillo." She screamed, everyone sort of froze. She ran off with her posey, and Anthony sighed. "You dumped her?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes, because the only girl I want is you." He said. I pushed it into the ash tray and sipped my drink. "Really? You have a shit way of showing it." I teased. "I wanna try again, me and you." He said holding my hand. "Are you sure?" I asked quietly. "Never been so sure. I love you." He said. He leant forward and our lips locked, cheers echoed around as everyone clapped and chanted our ship name. We pulled back and I wiped the lipstick off his lips. "I love you too."

I stayed a little longer with Anthony, Chance and Jake to help clean up. Chance hadn't been drinking, so he was dropping Jake and I home. We stood on the doorstep and I hugged Anthony. "I'll text you tomorrow k?" He said, kissing me again. "Okay, I love you. Goodnight babe." I said walking down the drive. "Goodnight beautiful, I love you too."

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