Chad Tepper- Fake (TRIGGER WARNING)

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The Chad Tepper that everyone sees on the internet- is the funny, sweet Chad who is 'madly in love with me.'
He's always up for a laugh, never takes anything to heart, is head over heels for me and adores Team 10.

It's all fake.

He's nasty, malicious, rude and he doesn't give a fuck about me. Team Ten is the only thing he cares about and he certainly isn't in love with me.

Or he wouldn't do it.

I wouldn't feel his cold slap across my cheek, or his hands grab my wrists or his punches on my stomach.

If he loved me, he wouldn't do this.

We'd be a normal couple.

He'd kiss and cuddle me.

Tell me he loved me.

Tell me how beautiful I am.

Instead, he doesn't touch me unless it's to hurt me. He doesn't kiss me, but leave sore, painful bites he claims are 'hickeys' on my neck and collarbone. He tells me he hates me and wants me to kill myself. He tells me I'm fat and ugly.

It was never like that until after our year and half anniversary, I can't escape, because to Jake, Tessa, Erika, our families, the fans- that isn't him. Only I see that side and it's killing me.

A/N: A slightly different chapter, but I hope I portrayed domestic abuse in a light that makes awareness. Anyone, who knows anyone/suffers from domestic abuse- there's light at the end of the tunnel, tell someone and get help or turn to the people you trust most. Because, nothing is worth more than you're safety and wellbeing. I love you all- stay safe and be careful xx

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