Ivan Martinez- Fake Relationship

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"Ivan." I called. He came round the corner and I pulled my camera out. "Hey guys, so I'm here with Ivan." He put his arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek. "We are about to go on a Starbucks run aren't we?" I said tilting my head up to look at him. He kissed me softly on the lips. "Yes we are. Let's gooooo." He said, I switched my camera off. "We don't have to go if you don't want to. I can make something up." I babbled. "Hey it's okay, you know I love hanging with you, but I have a question." He said as I stood up. "This thing we've got going on- is it...real? Do you actually like me?" He asked. I felt my cheeks go pink. "Um.." I wrung my hands together. "Yeah I do, do you like me?" I asked in reply. He blushed. "Yeah, I really really like you not gonna lie." He said. "So why are we holding back?" I asked. "Everyone ships us so hard, but so many other people think it's fake." He said rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "So? We know it's real." I said putting my arms around his waist. He hugged me. "Come on let's go to Starbucks babe." He said quickly ending the conversation. He slipped his hand into mine and we went downstairs. "So it's not fake? You heard it here first guys." Jake smirked filming us with his vlog camera. Ivan's eyes furrowed. "Come on let's just go." I whispered in his ear, squeezing his hand.

We got in the car and his eyes filled with tears. He turned the engine on and started driving, one hand on my thigh. "Why are you crying Iv?" I asked. He was focused on the road. "Ivan, babe please talk to me." I said putting my arm around his neck. "I'm so sick of people thinking I'm not good enough for you." He said clenching his jaw and holding onto the steering wheel tighter. "Gorgeous, it's okay. We don't need to worry about what everyone else thinks. We've got each other and Team 10 and our families. Please..." He cut me off. "What about the fans? Are we gonna let them continue to speculate for god knows how long, because we're too damn scared to put a label on it? Are we gonna let something so incredible get ruined." He said angrily. He swerved and nearly crashed. "Pull over Ivan please pull over." I said shielding my eyes from the road. He pulled into a lay bay and got out of the car, slamming the door forcefully behind him.

I got out and followed him. He sat on the bench and held his head in his hands. He just broke down. "Hey, hey , hey." I said sitting next to him. I held onto him and he buried his head into my neck. It soon became damp from his tears. "You are more than good enough for me, to be honest I'm punching." I said. He laughed and wiped his eyes. "You are fucking got, sweet, caring, kind damn the list goes on. Not to mention you are the most amazing boyfriend." I giggled. I kissed him softly on the lips. "And I love you." I smiled. He gasped. "Say it again." He smirked. "Only if you say it back." I said folding my arms across my chest. "I love you too. Actually, I love you a whole fucking lot Y/N and not just because you're good in bed." He smirked. I hit him on the chest. "Babe." I laughed. "I love you." I said kissing him on the lips.

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