Chance- She's Hurt (Requested)

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We drove to the abandoned house and my stomach was flipping. It was 10pm at night and it was freezing. I had a tank top, and a merch hoodie on underneath my huge coat. It was me, Chance, Anthony, Jake, Erika and Chad. I was very nervous. Chance slipped his hand into mine as we stood around the van. Jake got his camera out and we updated the Jake Paulers.

We managed to get in and it smelt a little damp. He had the Ouija board in his backpack. I put my phone into my coat pocket as we all sat down. I was very creeped out. We played Oujia and decided it would be funny to play hide and seek. I hid with Chance. He ran ahead a little. It was very dodgy- the floorboards were all hanging up from the ground. I was chasing him when I felt my body smack the ground as the floorboards fell beneath me.Everything went black.

I could hear the noise around me slowly drowning out. I was in too much pain. I closed my eyes for the last time.


Chance was a mess- his girlfriend of 4 years had just died. From his own doing. She snapped her spine, neck and had irreversible brain damage. I felt so guilty, I suggested going to the abandoned house. I pushed her to come.


It's my fault.
My fucking fault.
I took her life. The girl I wanted to marry.


My eyes were sore from the continuous flow of tears. Jake held me as I sobbed.

Gone. She's gone. Wth man. She's actually gone...

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