Chance Sutton- New Girl

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I've been dating Chance for a little over 3 months now, and my god the hate is piling on top of me. Since he broke up with Tessa and 'Chessa' was no longer a thing we ended up getting together. We'd had a couple one night stands a year or so back and I haven't been able to keep him out of my mind since. A pap caught us kissing outside the Team 10 house and it went viral. Jake even featured the clip in his vlog and the hate is piling on top of me. I'm usually quite a happy, positive person, but recently I've become sad, and angry at everything. Tessa has already told me she is 100000% fine with me being with Chance and she's moving on herself. But, the fans are so hardcore.

I woke up in bed, my hair all tangled around me. I threw it into a ponytail and grabbed my phone. I jumped onto my socials and started blocking people. '@imchancesutton could've picked someone who was at least as half decent as Tessa🙄' 'ugly hoe' was all that filled my feed. It was breaking me down slowly. I had a shower and threw on a pair of Nike leggings and an oversized top and sports bra. I heard the front door go. "Babe?" Chances voice filled my ears. "In here." I called back. He came in with his stuff. He flopped onto my bed. "I missed you." He said into my neck. I ran my hands through his hair. "What's wrong baby?" He asked sitting up. I passed him my phone and he typed the passcode in. He scrolled through the comments and my eyes filled with salty tears. I felt a couple drop down my cheeks. "Come here." He said sadly pulling me into his chest. He rubbed my back and held me tightly. "You are so, so fucking gorgeous. Okay? Tessa loves you, I love you. You have nothing to worry about." He said wiping my tears away. "It's just the hate it's ruining me." I sobbed. He rocked me back and forth like a baby. "Please Y/N, baby girl listen." He said tilting my chin up. "People are only hating, because they're jealous of how perfect you are. I love you and that's all that matters k?" He said sweetly. I hugged him tightly, clinging onto him. "I love you too." I mumbled back.

He ended up going to the Team 10 house and I tried to cheer myself up, but I was failing miserably. I ended up wrapped in a blanket, on the sofa watching Christmas films on the 9th of October. If that doesn't show life sucks I don't know what does. I made myself a drink and snuggled down. I heard the door go. "Y/N?" Chance called. "Lounge baby." I shouted back. He came in with McDonalds along with Tessa, Erika, Jake and Anthony. "I thought this would cheer you up." He beamed. We had the best night and my mood was lifted majorly. It was 1am by the time everyone had gone. I cuddled up to Chance in bed as my eyelids got heavy. "I love you, thankyou for tonight babe." I smiled. "You're welcome beautiful. And I love you too." He replied kissing me softly.

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