Nathan Speiser- I Can't Do This

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A/N: All the Team Ten members are in the same friendship group at school.

I couldn't believe he was doing this. After 2 and half years together, he had just publicly dumped me at school. In front of all of our friends, and 2 days before Prom. I actually couldn't believe it. 

I went to school with Nathan for my entirety at school, he was the popular, hot, bad boy and don't get me wrong I was always attracted to him, but so was everyone. He asked me on a date 3 years ago and we instantly clicked, we've been together for 2 and half years officially. 

I can not believe he's done this, I have planned Prom for years and he knows that. Since, we're Mr and Mrs Popular we're currently in the lead with Prom King and Queen votes. 

Everyone was stood in silence staring, I felt my eyes burn with tears. "Why are you doing this?" I asked, his eyes also filled with tears. He knew he had fucked up. I pushed through everyone.


"I just think we should cool things off." I said, her beautiful y/e/c eyes filled up with tears, but she quickly swallowed them. "Tell me you don't mean that." She said, her eyes tearing up once again. I felt tears prickle my eyes. I had no idea what I was doing, I'd let the guys trick me into believing she was bad for me. She isn't. I love Y/N, I don't want to end things. "Why are you doing this?" She whispered. I didn't answer. She pushed through everyone. "Y/N." I called, but she was long gone. "EVERYONE CAN CLEAR OFF NOW." I shouted, I walked down the hallway in the opposite direction.


I made it outside and I totally broke down. My heart was shattered, but my whole body ached. Jake, Anthony and Chance came running out. I was a mess. Jake wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mine around his torso. I sobbed and sobbed until the bell for next lesson rang. I pulled out a mirror and fixed my makeup. My eyes were puffy and red and I had tear stains down my makeup. "I am so sorry." Anthony said as we walked to our next lesson. Jake, Chance, Emilio and Ivan were in front of us. Tessa and Erika came running over. "We were up at Dance, but we heard people talking..." Erika said, she pulled me into a hug. 

We all sat down in our usual spots, Nathan rocked up 10 minutes late. He slammed the door. "Mr.Speiser why are you so late." She frowned. She clocked me, and then clocked Nathan. "Just sit down." She said. Anthony had sat in his seat, so Nathan sat in front of me. I could barely hold it together, but luckily it was the last lesson. We don't have school tomorrow, as we need Prom prep and then Friday is Prom. 

We all walked out to our cars, I was meant to be getting a lift with Nathan and Kade. Tessa and Erika went home together, and so did Emilio and Ivan. Kade pulled me away from everyone. "Nathan has fucked up and he knows. Please just let him at least take you home." Kade begged, I shook my head. "Can I come collect my stuff tomorrow?" I asked, he nodded meekly and pulled me into a hug. "What are you doing about Prom?" He asked. I shrugged. "No idea." I mumbled.

I got a lift with Chance, Jake and Anthony. They dropped me off first. Anthony walked me to the door. "I'll ring you tomorrow k?" He said hugging me, I hugged him back tightly. "Okay." I nodded.

I went inside and Mum greeted me in the kitchen. "So did you sort out the corsage?" She grinned, passing me a snack and a coffee. "Me and Nathan broke up." I said tearing up. Her jaw dropped. "Fuck." She said.


I was ready for Prom, I was going by myself, but meeting the others inside. I was in love with my look;

 I was in love with my look;

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I arrived at Prom and all eyes were on me, I had walked in alone and murmurs were circling the room

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I arrived at Prom and all eyes were on me, I had walked in alone and murmurs were circling the room. I found the others and I got a drink, everything was smooth and fine. I had clocked Nathan a few times, but other than that it was running smoothly, until the thing I had been dreading most- Prom King and Queen. As Erika was Student Body President and Chief Of Prom Organisation she was announcing it. "Your Prom King for the Class of 2017 is.....Nathan Speiser." Cheers and clapping filled the room, Jake put his arm around me and kissed the side of my head. Erika placed the crown on Nathan's head. "And your Prom Queen for the Class of 2017 is......Y/N L/N!" Everyone, started cheering, way more than they did for Nathan. Jake wolf whistled, so did Chance and Anthony. I giggled as I walked up. We both had to do a speech each Erika placed the crown on my head. "Well done." She grinned, hugging me tightly. Nathan was up first. "Cheers for voting, here's to a good night, our last hoorah before college and university. So, let's raise a drink to the Class of 2017." I raised my cup and he stepped aside. I felt myself tear up, I had a speech planned with Nathan and we were gonna kiss and it was gonna be so romantic. "So, I did have a really planned out speech, but because of recent events I can't use that. So, I wanna say tonight is the night to follow your heart, tell your boyfriend, girlfriend, or crush that you love them. Tonight is the night for happy endings." I said tearing up. My voice cracked as I continued. "No matter what's happened for the past 5 years, tonight we're a family. To the Class of 2017." Everyone cheered and Erika came back up on stage. I had planned this night for so long, I had practiced every step with Nathan. I knew he was sorry, but he fucked up and now it was too late. "May the King take the Queen's hand and lead her onto the dance floor." He put his hand out and I took it unwillingly. The track we picked started and years of memories flooded my brain. I let go of him. "I can't do this. I'm not doing this." I said stepping back to everyone else.

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