introduction | IMPORTANT

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First and foremost, I love Bill Skarsgard, and if you're about to start reading this book that means you do too. I have been obsessed with him since the beginning of Hemlock Grove and have always wanted to write something about him but other things seemed to have come up first.

I might get to an actual book about him but in the mean time, I'm putting this one together just to tie myself and others over.

This book will consist of a whole lot of imagines about Bill and characters Bill has portrayed.

How to request:

Yes! I will be taking requests and here's how to contact me or make sure your request is heard.

1. You can request on this chapter and I will either tell you to direct message me or just take the request here, depends how busy my DM's are.

2. You can go straight to DM'ing me but I can't guarantee I'll see it right away.

3. About halfway through the book I'll post another request chapter that will be based solely on requesting in the comments.

The one thing I don't really want is for people to be requesting on actual chapters because then it takes away from me being able to see some other comments or communicate with my readers.

ALSO, requests are always open however if they're busy, I might not get to yours for a while so just sit tight and know I'm always trying me best to fulfill peoples wishes:)

FINALLY, I will write about anything, whatever is requested I will write about and if it's a bit of a touchy subject for some don't worry, I put warnings before all of my chapters.

That's pretty much all you need to know before you get into this and I hope you love it!!!

Don't forget to vote and comment because I love connecting with you guys and hearing what you have to say:)

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now