bathroom hook-up | bill

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Warning: Mature Content


"Holy shit, (Y/N), you look fucking amazing!" (Y/F/N) said as she emerged from her room, ready for her date.

A blushed crept up (Y/N)'s neck. "I don't know, (Y/F/N). You don't think it's too much for going out for drinks?" (Y/N) asked, doubting her revealing attire as she attempted to pull the fabric down her thighs.

(Y/F/N) scoffed. "Absolutely not. If this date doesn't turn out well, I'll date you myself," she said, slapping (Y/N)'s butt, causing her to jump with a giggle.

(Y/N) drew in a breath as she scanned herself in the mirror once more. "Let's do this," she said to herself before exiting the apartment and was on her way to the hotel lounge where she was to hopefully meet the man of her dreams.

Once arrived, (Y/N) made her way inside and stationed herself at the bar. Noticing her date hadn't yet arrived, she decided to order a drink to calm her nerves. It was still early in the evening which meant the lounge wasn't as busy as it was soon to be, allowing her drink to arrive quickly. The anxious young woman downed her drink in two sips then ordered another.

It had been a mere twenty minutes and her date still hadn't arrived. She'd had four drinks and was beginning to feel a light buzz.

"Waiting for someone?" The bartender asked, leaning against the counter while his hands labored away with polishing a glass.

(Y/N) nodded. "Yup," she replied, popping the P as she traced her finger along the rim of her half full glass.

Another twenty minutes had passed and (Y/N) was beginning to sense that her date was most likely not going to show up. The bartender cleared his throat, as if to warn her that he was about to speak. "Hate to break it to you, but I think your date is a no show," he said as he passed by the slumped woman to serve another customer.

The lounge was growing busier than before but lucky for (Y/N), she had a spot right in front of the alcohol. "I figured that much," she said under her breath, raising her glass before taking a swig.

She swiveled around in her stool to scan over the lounge, since she had nothing better to do. As she was sweeping the bustling crowd, (Y/N)'s eyes landed upon a tall, dark-haired man in the corner, leaning against the wall with a drink in hand. His eyes met hers as he took a sip of the brown liquid. (Y/N) didn't break the eye contact which elicited a flirtatious grin from the man. Her cheeks then grew a light shade of pink from his knee weakening smirk.

"Another?" The bartender asked, bringing the yearning young woman back to reality.

"Oh, y-yes, please." She nodded, turning back around with her lip tucked between her teeth in awe.

After minutes of anticipation, someone came up directly next to her, their elbows propped up on the bar while facing the crowd. (Y/N)'s breath hitched in her throat as she looked up into the stranger's pale green eyes. It was the man from across the lounge.

"Hi," she said although it came out more of a mumble; her mind racing which made her unable to form any other sentence.

He half smiled at how nervous she seemed to be. "Hi," he said, his voice low and husky. "I, uh, noticed how you couldn't keep your eyes off of me so I thought I'd come introduce myself." She could see a glimmer of affection in his mesmerizing green orbs.

(Y/N) nearly choked on her drink at his words. "I couldn't keep my eyes off of you? Oh please, you were practically eye fucking me from across the lounge," she said in a mocking manner, eliciting a chuckle from the man. Usually she wasn't so blunt, but a few drinks would do that to someone.

"I did however, see that you've been here by yourself for quite some time. Is there a reason?" He asked in a more serious tone.

(Y/N) went back to fiddling with her glass, slightly embarrassed. "I got stood up," she said.

A look of sympathy took over the man's features. "Whoever stood you up is a fucking coward and made the biggest mistake of his life," the man said in attempt to console the woman before him.

(Y/N) felt her cheeks burn up so she looked down at her lap, in hopes he wouldn't notice. "You think so?" She said, not having received this kind of attention from anyone ever before.

He nodded. "I know so," he said, looking down into her eyes.

"I'm Bill," he said, extending his hand.

"(Y/N)," she said, taking his large hand and giving it a gentle shake.

Bill cleared his throat. "So, uh, do you want to get out of here, (Y/N)?" Bill asked, the shyness in his tone evident in his striking features.

"You know, I've always wondered what it's like to fuck in a bathroom stall," the lustful woman's partially drunk self blurted, slightly regretting the words that just came out of her mouth. She looked up at Bill, anxiously awaiting his reaction. 

"I can show you, if you'd like," he finally replied with that smirk that made her heart beat wildly in her chest; his eyes filled with passion and desire.

Bill took her hand, tugging her through the crowd before the two made it into the women's bathroom, locking the door behind them. She chose the stall at the end and shut the door, the two barely fitting in the confined space. Her lips immediately clashed with Bill's, his large hands cupping both sides of her face. His lips then traveled down to her neck, causing her to let out little gasps as he nipped at the fragile skin. She was now pulsing, waiting for Bill's lips to travel down where she craved him most. While Bill's lips explored her neck, one of his hands began to pull her dress down just far enough so her bra was exposed while his other hand slid up her thigh where it played with the hem of her panties.

"Bill," she breathed as his hand slipped under the fabric and began teasing her sensitive bundle of nerves.

"You're so wet, (Y/N)," Bill said under his breath as she removed her bra, hanging it over the edge of the bathroom stall.

Bill pulled away and took in the sight in front of him, tucking his lip between his teeth as his eyes filled with desire. "Fuck," he muttered before his lips connected with her breast where they began to suck, leaving faint purple marks. Bill had one hand kneading her breast while the other rubbed small circles on her clit.

"Bill, I need you," (Y/N) said, causing him to smile against her perked breast.

He then lowered onto one knee before lifting her dress just up to her waist where he slowly pulled her panties down to her ankles, keeping intense eye contact which only made her want him more. Bill began running his tongue up and down her naturally lubricated folds, causing her head to roll back as she took a hand full of his soft, chestnut hair.

"Bill, please," she continued to beg, causing a greedy smile to appear on Bill's face before he slowly inserted two fingers inside of the euphoric mess before him, making her let out a little whimper.

Bill began to pump his arched fingers in and out as he sucked on her clit making her high come sooner than expected. (Y/N) began to roll her hips, aiding Bill as he pleasured her. "Bill, I'm g-gonna come," she breathlessly said between moans, causing him to smile against her core.

Minutes later, her breaths became staggered as her body erupted with pleasure. Bill kept his fingers inside of her until her high had passed then pulled them out and licked them clean of her juices.

"How was that?" Bill asked the panting woman.

(Y/N)  ran her fingers through his chestnut locks. "Amazing," she replied, causing Bill to chuckle before connecting his lips with hers.

(Y/N) re-dressed and fixed herself up to her original state before exiting the bathroom, her hand laced with her new found lovers'. Maybe this night hadn't gone how (Y/N) had planned, but it sure as hell ended better than she had anticipated.

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