won't back down | bill

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Dedicated to SoftDoeMotel


It was her first day on the job, the job that was supposed to start it all. After awakening before dawn, (Y/N) got ready in the outfit she had set out the night before then continued with breakfast and took her coffee to go. She thought it would be best to be early than to be late. Good first impressions were very important to her.

On her way to set, she'd look down at the 'Production Assistant Itinerary' while stopped at every red light, getting a feel for her day ahead. Her dream was to go on and become a director, however, she knew that was long ways away. Everyone had to start somewhere, right?

Once she arrived on set, she parked her car and made her way over to her meeting point. The coordinator of the production assistants was the first to greet her, handing her all of her equipment.

"Alright, you'll be working with the director on this project which means that is who you're answering to and no one else, understand?" The woman said as she guided her through the studio. (Y/N) nodded although, because the woman was a few steps ahead of her, she didn't see, nor did she care.

"You don't talk to any of the actors unless they approach you first or the director says to do so." She seemed to be walking a mile a minute, yet (Y/N) was able to keep up.

Suddenly, she stopped as she turned on her heel to face (Y/N). "As long as you do as the director says, you'll be golden, capiche?" She said, (Y/N) nodded once more.

Not talking to anyone wasn't going to be a problem for (Y/N), seeing as though she suffered greatly from social anxiety. She had it so bad that even talking to her own parents would trigger panic attacks. However, after seeking a lot of help, she was finally able to start her life, one step at a time. Becoming a P.A. though, was more of a jump then a step, a jump she seemed to be handling quite well so far.

Meeting the director brought her close to an attack, but luckily for her, the director was one of the friendlier ones. After a few hours of doing coffee runs and making sure everything was in order, it was finally time to start shooting.

"I need you to go remind Bill that he has fifteen minutes until his call time," the director informed as she was going over the script. (Y/N) nodded before heading off towards the trailers.

At the trailer, (Y/N) drew in a deep, shaky breath before lifting her fist to the door and giving it a few knocks. Seconds later, a tall man opened it, dressed in only a robe.

He greeted her with a warm smile. "Hi," he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

(Y/N)'s heart began beating wildly in her chest at the sight of him. His sharp features, his soft, brown hair, and his eyes, oh, his eyes. They were a mesmerizing pale green and as they stared down at her, butterflies began to flutter in her stomach.

She shook her head, riding those thoughts from her mind. "Mr. Skarsgard, y-your call time is in twenty - I mean fifteen, minutes... sir," she stuttered, avoiding his gaze. He smiled at her stutters, thinking it was quite adorable.

"Thank you..." he looked down at her name tag. "(Y/N)." She could feel an instant blush appear on her cheeks at the sound of her name leaving his lips.

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now