people change | roman

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Memories from her childhood began to flash back into her mind as she drove down the placid road into Hemlock Grove. (Y/N) left the town to start her career as a writer, however, that fell through which forced her to return to the place she once called home. Lucky for her, her closest friend, Destiny, offered her a place to stay until she got back on her feet.

"Some things never change," she muttered to herself as she drove through the town, noticing how everything was exactly the same as when she left a few years back.

She pulled her car into the lot across from Destiny's place before getting out and breathing in the familiar, fresh air. It did feel good to be back, but there was still that feeling of guilt for ever leaving in the first place. She left her life behind, she left him behind.

"(Y/N)! Oh my, god!" A familiar voice shouted from across the road. (Y/N) turned from her trunk to see Destiny darting towards her. The brunette then crashed into her, wrapping her arms around the woman and pulling her in for a tight hug.

"It's so good to see you," she muttered as they swayed back and forth.

When they pulled away, they just started laughing. While (Y/N) was in high school, she met Destiny's cousin, Peter, he then introduced the two and that's where it all started.

Destiny helped (Y/N) with the little stuff she had and once they were in the apartment, they collapsed on the couch, each with a bottle of beer. They talked for a while about what (Y/N) was up to while she was away as well as how Destiny had been. They both knew of the one subject (Y/N) was trying to avoid, but she also knew that she couldn't ignore it forever.

Destiny could tell her friend was thinking about her former lover so she decided to bring it up.

"He was a complete wreck when you left," she started as (Y/N) traced her thumb around the rim of the bottle. "Even more so than he usually is." It was evident Destiny wasn't a fan of the Godfrey boy... or man, now.

"I'm such a piece of shit," (Y/N) muttered, the guilt growing.

Destiny then placed her beer on the coffee table, along with (Y/N)'s, and took her friends hands in hers. "No, no, no, no, no. Listen up," she started, forcing her friend to look at her. "You left to pursue your passion... your dreams... and not a lot of people from grove do that. He was only gonna hold you back and force you to stay. You did the right thing for yourself." Destiny was very convincing with her words.

"Yeah, but he loved me," she retorted. And, it was true. She was his everything and when she left, it completely tore him apart.

"You'll find that love again, (Y/N). There's other people out there for you," Destiny informed.

Just then, the front door swung open, revealing another familiar face.

"Peter?" (Y/N) spoke, a large grin appearing on her face. The rugged man then laid his eyes on her, the same grin appearing on his.

"(Y/N), you're back!" He cheered as she got up and enveloped him in a tight hug. "I thought you were gone for good," he said in a fit of laughter.

They pulled apart, both widely grinning. "I can't believe you're back," he added.

"Destiny didn't tell you I was coming?" (Y/N) asked, looking back at the woman who sat on the couch, sipping her beer, clearly trying to avoid something.

Peter looked past (Y/N) and to his cousin. "No. She didn't," he growled, without a doubt irritated with the woman.

Destiny rolled her eyes. "I didn't want you to tell him," she retorted, referring to Roman considering him and Peter were close friends.

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