home sweet home | bill

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warning: mature content


(Y/N) stood among the sea of people who were all impatiently waiting for their loved ones to return from their travels. The young woman's boyfriend, Bill, was an actor and was away for a few months working on his new film. Since being together, this was the first time she went months without seeing him due to his work. She couldn't go with him because of her own job which left them heavily relying on skype. However, if she wanted to stay with him - which she most definitely did - she was going to have to get used to it.

After waiting about ten minutes or so, people began to flood through the gate with their suitcases in tow. (Y/N) began to anxiously tap her foot, searching the crowd for Bill's tall frame. As more and more came through, rushing into the arms of their loved ones, that's when she saw him. They instantly made eye contact which brought ear-to-ear grins on their faces.

Without hesitation, (Y/N) began straight towards him, weaving through the crowd. Bill dropped his suitcase as he outstretched his arms, allowing her to jump into them. The woman wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as he wrapped his tightly around her waist, burying his face in her neck.

"I've missed you so fucking much," he muttered in which she responded, "oh, baby, I've missed you, too."

After a few seconds of swaying back and forth in each others arms, breathing in their familiar scents, he set her down. He then took her face in his hands and eagerly pressed his lips to hers. The two melted into the kiss as it was long awaited for.

After a few seconds, (Y/N) pulled away. "Let's get you home, shall we?" She suggested, lacing her hand with his.

Bill bent down to pick up his suitcase before (Y/N) guided him of the airport and towards the parking lot where she was parked.

"How was your flight?" She asked, swinging their connected arms as they walked.

Bill shrugged. "I got halfway through three movies then slept the rest of the way," he replied, eliciting a light giggle from his beloved which caused the corners of his lips to rise into a smile. Bill then released her hand and swung his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close so he could place a kiss on the top of her head.

When they got to their car, Bill threw his suitcase into the trunk before climbing into the passenger seat. As (Y/N) got into the driver seat, Bill reached across and grabbed her face before planting his lips to hers once more.

(Y/N) pulled away after a second, confused by his sudden actions. "What was that for?" She asked as she turned the key in the ignition, roaring the engine to life.

Bill couldn't keep his eyes off her as he admired her features. "I've just missed your beautiful face," he replied, causing her cheeks to instantly blush.

The man then began to develop a hunger for more. Having not seen each other for months, the two were long overdue for satisfaction.  (Y/N) could see the lust and desire fill his emerald eyes and it only made the same feeling grow in the pit of her stomach. 

The entire drive home, Bill kept one of her hands in his, every now and then placing a kiss on the back of it. He missed her touch, her smile, her laugh... everything. Being away from her for that long of a time was one of the hardest things he had to do.

When they finally got back to their shared apartment, Bill tossed his suitcase before the two removed their coats.

"Do you want some tea-" (Y/N) started before she was cut off by a hand grabbing her wrist, turning her around then following with lips being crashed against hers. 

The young woman drew in a deep breath through her nose as she gave into the kiss, arching her body against Bill's as he placed his large hands on her hips, pulling her into him. 

"It's been too long," he muttered before lifting her up onto the kitchen counter. 

(Y/N) could feel the heat growing between her legs by the second, the only thing on her mind was him and how much she missed his feel. As she placed her palms on the counter behind her, leaning back, Bill trailed his lips along her neck and collarbone, leaving faint love bites which elicited gentle moans from the woman. Bill was hungry and she was the meal he had been craving for months.

The aroused woman then grabbed the hem of her shirt before lifting it over her head and tossing it onto the tile floor. She followed by slowly, and seductively, reaching behind her and unclasping her bra where it then joined her shirt on the floor. Bill gulped as he took in the sight before him, the bulge in his pants only growing more.

In that second, they both knew how much they needed to feel each other. (Y/N) unbuttoned her jeans then slid them down her legs and to the floor, leaving her only in her panties. Bill couldn't wait so all her did was unbuckle his pants and pull them down to his mid thigh. He then grabbed onto her ass, pulling her forward on the counter before moving her panties aside. The man used his lean fingers to massage her pulsing bundle of nerves as he prepared her for what she wanted most.

"Fuck, (Y/N), you're so wet," he remarked, his full lips twitching into a small smirk. (Y/N) dropped her head back with her eyes closed, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth as he moved his fingers in small circles, sending small shocks of pleasure throughout her body.

After a few seconds of bringing her bliss with his fingers, Bill couldn't wait any longer. He needed to feel her. The man pulled his fingers away, leaving (Y/N) yearning for more, before he pulled his boxers down, exposing his shaft. Now, it was (Y/N)'s turn to gulp. Bill lined himself up with her entrance before slowly filling her up. (Y/N) drew in a sharp breath as he did so. Once she was accustomed to his size, he began rocking his hips into hers, the feeling of intense euphoria starting to consume them. 

 As time went on, Bill's pace quickened. Their heavy pants as well as the sound of skin-on-skin contact was all that was heard. 

"Fuck, Bill, faster," she begged, pulling his body closer to hers as he lifter he legs higher up his waist, creating for better access. Bill then grunted as he did as asked, beginning to thrust harder and deeper.

"I'm almost there," he breathlessly remarked, dropping his head into the crook of her neck. 

"Me... too," she replied. To steady herself, (Y/N) wrapped one of her arms around his shoulders while the other was holding her up from behind.

Another few minutes went by as Bill continued to hit her g-spot with his hard thrusts. He knew how well he was pleasuring her by her moans and whimpers in which he responded with grunts. When he knew she was hitting her high, her walls began to clench around his member as she cried out his name, clutching onto him then dropping back when she fell back down from her orgasm. When he hit his, he gave a few more thrusts, his member twitching inside of her as he finished. 

Bill held himself inside of her a little longer as they caught their breaths, both of their chests drastically rising and falling with each pant. When they did finally steady themselves, Bill pulled himself out of her before sliding his boxers and pants back up. 

"Holy. Shit," she finally spoke, wondering to herself how she went so long without him. Bill chuckled at her words before helping her off the counter.

After they re-dressed themselves, they both collapse on the couch with their legs tangled together and (Y/N) tucked under Bill's arm.

"Home sweet home," he muttered, planting a kiss on his beloveds head.

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