home at last | willard

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Warning: Mature Content


After what felt like an eternity, the day finally came where (Y/N)'s husband, Willard, was returning from the war. She spent the morning cooking and baking all of his favorite delights, sweeping and dusting every inch of the house, and picking out her finest attire and makeup. She wasn't sure at what point he'd walk the steps of the front porch, but she knew today was the day. 

The morning passed, then the afternoon, and then evening, and now it was well past supper. As she continued dusting spots that she had already dusted at least twice, she started to feel herself get a little drowsy, but she refused to fall asleep as the excitement of having her husband back in her arms trumped all else. 

The moon and stars were high in the sky as the crickets sang from the grass around when she heard the loud roar of an engine pull up outside. Dropping the duster, her legs carried her as fast as they could out the door. Willard climbed out from the passenger seat after paying the driver for the ride and when he made eye contact with his wife, he dropped his duffle bag. In a few short strides his arms were wrapped around her, lifting her into the air and spinning her around. Tears were falling from both of their eyes, finally feeling whole once again.

"Oh, my love," she whispered as Willard set her back on the ground.

"Look at you," he says with a small smile, caressing her cheek as he eyes her from head to toe in adoration. "Even more beautiful than when I left."

Wiping away a tear that smudges her makeup she says, "look at me? Look at you! You've thinned. Come inside, my darling you need to eat." (Y/N) takes his hand and pulls him inside the warmth of their shared home, seating him at the dining table.

She starts pulling all of the food from the oven and the refrigerator; pie, pot roast, potatoes, steamed vegetables, chicken liver (one of his favorite dishes that his aunt makes), and more.

"I haven't seen this much food since the day I left," he says with a bit of a nervous chuckle then sits back.

(Y/N) looks at him puzzled. "What's wrong, my love. Aren't you hungry?" She asks, a little heartbroken that he doesn't seem into her cooking efforts at all.

Willard looks up at her with a small smirk before reaching out and grabbing her hand, pulling her onto his lap. (Y/N) squeals at the sudden movement but doesn't have time to say anything before her husbands soft lips are pressed to hers. 

"You know, after being away so long, the only thing I can figure myself to be hungry for is you," he says then lifts her from the chair, her legs wrapped around his waist before placing her on the kitchen counter.

(Y/N) doesn't have time nor does she want to protest as his lips devour hers feverishly. Having gone as long as they did without the intimate touch of another, Willard wastes no time undoing his trousers as (Y/N) lifts her dress.

"I need you, Willard," she breaths as the heat between her legs only grows warmer and pulses harder.

Pulling her further up on the counter, Willard inserts himself inside of her, both releasing long awaited sighs as he fills her. 

He starts slow as they adjusts to one another then begins quickening his pace until he's slamming into her, making her have to grab the cabinet above and the edge of the counter to stable herself. 

With each rough thrust, Willard hits her sweet spot and after going so long without it, she knows it won't be long until he sends her over the edge.

"I'm not gunna last," he breathes between pants, hooking his hand under one of her knees, bringing it higher up his waist.

"Neither am I."

Sure enough, it doesn't take long before Willards pumping sends (Y/N) into the strong and intense state of euphoria. Watching as her back arches and her eyes roll back while she calls out his name, it's not long after that he also reaches that same state. 

Willard drops his head into (Y/N)'s neck, both starting to drip with sweat as their joined warmth radiates into the air, steaming the kitchen windows. 

"Oh my, lord," (Y/N) says breathless as Willard pulls away, zipping himself back up then reaches out, helping (Y/N) off the counter.

Towering above her, Willard takes his wife's face in his hands before kissing her hard. When he pulls away, he leaves his forehead pressed against her. (Y/N) closes her eyes as she feels his warm breath against her face and the warm feel of his touch on her skin.

"I can't go that long without you ever again," she mutters. 

"I'm not going anywhere, (Y/N)," he says back then pulls her into his chest, resting his cheek atop her head as she presses her ear to his chest, listening to the slowing beat of his heart. 

They stay swaying in each others arms, reminding themselves how blessed they are to be back together. After a few moments, (Y/N) is the first to pull away. 

"Now come eat, I spent half the day making this all up for you and you and I are not sleeping until it's all gone, you hear me?" She says, taking her seat at the table and placing her napkin on her lap.

Willard chuckles before taking his seat and then they both dive into the spread, spending the rest of the night laughing and making up for all the time that was lost.

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